Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

17 December 2007
Whether you are an investor or trader most of you have your own ideas of this world & many of you are spot on which is why I though I should post this considering todays date & current world events.

I know this has been posted before & I mean no disrespect by posting this but I thought it would be of interest.

Download HQ torrent here

Full movie stream [video=vimeo;13726978][/video]
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Make of this what you will....

Dr. Niels Harrit (retired associate professor of chemistry) and his team at the University of Copenhagen published a paper in The Open Chemical Physics Journal and verified that red/grey particles of non-reacted nanothermite was found in the dust of the WTC buildings.
This finding is irrevocable proof -- the veritable DNA -- that "Office Fires" and jet planes did not bring down the three buildings on that fateful day. 9/11 has been the prima facie excuse for incursions of the U.S. and NATO into foreign nations, the sole justification for suspension of our domestic civil liberties and the common denominator of "The War on Terror".

This interview traces Dr. Harrit's personal and professional journey into and through the events of 9/11 and beyond.


Here is a smaller version for all (Danish 'Today Show' with Subtitles)

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AE9/11 Truth put this one out (on Vimeo).

Over 1000 Architects and Engineers question NIST final report.

Because you 9/11 people are so nutty and unhinged. Can you please summarise for me in a couple of sentences what it is you think is going on?

... And don't start with the brainwashed rubbish... I don't want to have to pick the corn out of your ****.

Three dot points will be fine.

I will say first and foremost I am an advocate against the Zeitgeist films. They tell a story of fantasy and nothing more - from the bad facts of Acharya S, to the misinterpretations of the monetary systems, and finally ending with the conspiracy of impending doom. All with a conveniently placed solution for you all to join the Venus project; a hippy commune of the future. The first of the films has such a bad take on history that is absolutely incorrect, and this has been supported by Acedemics that the information is absolutely incorrect.

This film has no validity - it is suspect socialism and facts are taken from lone nuts and underground NWO "freedom fighters". These “facts” will have no sway in the markets, and in fact the ideas of this film are against monetary systems, investing and currency systems overall.

My advice to you is to do some reading other than con-theory NWO anti-establishment garbage.
Because you 9/11 people are so nutty and unhinged. Can you please summarise for me in a couple of sentences what it is you think is going on?

... And don't start with the brainwashed rubbish... I don't want to have to pick the corn out of your ****.

Three dot points will be fine.


Don't shoot the messenger; just thought some people may find it interesting.

Make of it what you will.
Unwelcome? LOL

Whether it's true or not I like to hear things which come from sources other than TV & make my own opinions.
Fine. But maybe post it on a day other than when many people lost those who meant most to them and to whom it can only be upsetting.
I don't mind the odd conspiracy theory, but 9/11 conspirators push the envelope too far, and I find it pretty tasteless especially reading about it on it's tenth anniversary.

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Unwelcome? LOL

Whether it's true or not I like to hear things which come from sources other than TV & make my own opinions.

Haven't those conspiracy theories regarding 9/11 already been done to death a thousand times over on the internet. No matter how often their so called evidence is debunked, they keep repeating the same unsubstantiated garbage.
There seems to be some good arguments for 9/11 being a setup from what i have read, but who really knows? So much of our society would grind to a halt if there was total transparency and honesty, would you be willing to live with the consequences??? We say we want the truth, but do we care if a company we hold $100k in shares tells a few lies to keep the stock price growing??? A big part of society functions on lies and deception and many of us profit from it, be carefull what you ask for. Not that lies are good, but we need to pull the beam out of our own eye first, before we get the leaders we deserve. Sunday night rant, tired, delerious, sorry:confused:
Haven't those conspiracy theories regarding 9/11 already been done to death a thousand times over on the internet. No matter how often their so called evidence is debunked, they keep repeating the same unsubstantiated garbage.

Things done to death in these forums GOLD:D
One of the endearing aspects of certifiably crazy loons is that they have no hesitation in proudly identifying themselves as such. It's really rather neat and tidy for the rest of us.