Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Discrimination Against Jedi

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
Yet again the forces of the Dark side conspire against the expression of beliefs. Jedi and pastafarians will not be counted in the census.

Next they will be asking us whether we wear bicycle helmets.

At the launch of the 2011 census in Sydney on Wednesday night, Federal Assistant Treasurer Bill Shorten asked people to keep the jokes to a minimum.

Well he would know, wouldn't he.


Jedi and pastafarians unite!

Under religious beliefs, i shall be entering Anti-Gillardism aka Church of the She Devil.

Shove that up your jumper and any other orifices you see fit Shorten, because that is no joke.

My favourite part from GG's link is,

Q. "It was the 1901 or 1911 census that had the question, which went something like, 'How many imbeciles or idiots do you have in your house?''

A. (In current times)
In my House of Reps, 72 imbeciles (labor MPs) and 4 idiots (Bandt, Oakeshott, Windsor and Wilkie)
In my Senate House, 31 imbeciles (labor), 9 idiots (greens) and 1 clown (Madigan)
The Jedi thing is old and been DTD. It would be better for people to reply with something that is useful if they are not religious, at least then their info would count.

With more religion entering the public school sector I think it would be prudent for those that are Agnostic or Atheist to register relevant info on the census, separation of Church and State will never really happen if it appears we are mostly religious people.
I will be replying on my Census Form in response to the question "do you have any dependants?"

The Jedi thing is old and been DTD. It would be better for people to reply with something that is useful if they are not religious, at least then their info would count.

With more religion entering the public school sector I think it would be prudent for those that are Agnostic or Atheist to register relevant info on the census, separation of Church and State will never really happen if it appears we are mostly religious people.
I agree. The Census is an essential tool for planning by governments. Might seem funny to write something frivolous, but why waste our own taxpayer dollars?
I'll probably reply 'Jedi Knight'.

The more people that do it, the better. It sends a message that there are people alive who don't take religion too seriously.
I'll probably reply 'Jedi Knight'.

The more people that do it, the better. It sends a message that there are people alive who don't take religion seriously.

It actually sends no message as the info is not included in the census results. I get it that people don't take religion seriously but you are doing a disservice to those of us that are not religious but do care about living in a Secular country.
What if I actually am a Jedi?

George Lucas simply studied the World religions and made his own secular version of spirituality (which is what I do). That's what Jedi-ism is. Star Wars is full of veiled spiritual references. see:

On a different tangent, did anyone see Family Guy last night? It was the Star Wars version. Absolutely the best comedy on tv right now.
What if I actually am a Jedi?

George Lucas simply studied the World religions and made his own secular version of spirituality. That's what Jedi-ism is. Star Wars is full of veiled spiritual references. see:

On a different tangent, did anyone see Family Guy last night? It was the Star Wars version. Absolutely the best comedy on tv right now.

My humble apologies Gringotts Bank, I did not realise we had a real Jedi among us :D
It actually sends no message as the info is not included in the census results. I get it that people don't take religion seriously but you are doing a disservice to those of us that are not religious but do care about living in a Secular country.
Yep, agree again. There's currently a strong rebellion against the expanding program of chaplains in schools. Apparently many of these people have been prosletyzing to students which absolutely should not be happening in public schools.

So if the Census correctly records a majority of Australians saying "no religion" , then it's more likely fewer taxpayer dollars will be spent on such stuff as chaplains.

This is just one example of the sense of answering the question without feeling the need to be funny.

I don't quite get why the religion question provokes this sort of response anyway.
Do those of you who think it's funny to write jedi or whatever also feel disposed to give facetious answers to the other questions?
Forgive my immaturity, so many choices.

Let's see, there's animism, totemism, gaiaism, hylozoism, panpsychism, shamanism, sererism, neopaganism, panexperientialism, panprotoexperientialism, emergentism, reductionism, holism, cosmotheism and panentheism.

Or, I could just say C of E, which would be quicker.
Forgive my immaturity, so many choices.

Let's see, there's animism, totemism, gaiaism, hylozoism, panpsychism, shamanism, sererism, neopaganism, panexperientialism, panprotoexperientialism, emergentism, reductionism, holism, cosmotheism and panentheism.

Or, I could just say C of E, which would be quicker.

Let's not forget CYNICism!
What if I actually am a Jedi?

George Lucas simply studied the World religions and made his own secular version of spirituality (which is what I do). That's what Jedi-ism is. Star Wars is full of veiled spiritual references. see:

On a different tangent, did anyone see Family Guy last night? It was the Star Wars version. Absolutely the best comedy on tv right now.

I love how this Jedi thread has as many posts (counting mine) as the one titled "US debt ceiling".

Great to see where everyone's priorities are...
I love how this Jedi thread has as many posts (counting mine) as the one titled "US debt ceiling".
US citizens might need to live as long as Yoda to pay it all back in one generation.


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