Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Gobbledygook: Reality, Dreaming or Rubbish?

Taxpayer sponsored gambling, in the form of lotteries, bought the Sydney Opera House and a lot of hospitals. Given that the house always wins, maybe it makes sense for the house to provide shelter for the people who pay for it??

A couple of months ago up in Cains I met a fine gentleman from Thursday Island who was also on holidays. We were at the roulette table together, the old shearer and my new pal, who looked just like an old cane cutter so we both just looked the part.

When did you go from being a shearer to being a copper...or was it the other way around? It would have been a significant change of pace. In view of your assertion;

Never worked traffic in my entire career. Rose to high rank and commanded very large numbers of personnell.

Your shearing career must have been brief.
When did you go from being a shearer to being a copper...or was it the other way around? It would have been a significant change of pace. In view of your assertion;

Your shearing career must have been brief.

Went shearing at 16 and became very proficient at it. At one stage taught shearers under the auspices of the Australian Wool Board and the United Graziers Asociation in Queensland. Bill Gunn(later Sir Willaim) wanted me to stay on with them but my Dad died after working hard all of his life at 51 years so signed up for what I thought would be a better chance for my family to the police force at the ripe age of 24 in which I had a very good career for 30 years.

I have a passion for the battler and the hard workers due to some of my own beginnings and as naive as I may seem to some we are going to have to all get off our buts one day soon and do something about the current direction of the world and this idea we have of expansionism.

But the gambling take and how it is taken is disguting and a disgrace to everyone. We all ought to hang our heads in shame. But no we rationalise these things to stay comfortable in our own little nests. It is no longer good enough.
spent some time shearing Wilcannia/Broken Hill best time of my life...... Grazcos...ask some shearers how to run the on free beer:)
Went shearing at 16 and became very proficient at it. At one stage taught shearers under the auspices of the Australian Wool Board and the United Graziers Asociation in Queensland. Bill Gunn(later Sir Willaim) wanted me to stay on with them but my Dad died after working hard all of his life at 51 years so signed up for what I thought would be a better chance for my family to the police force at the ripe age of 24 in which I had a very good career for 30 years.

I have a passion for the battler and the hard workers due to some of my own beginnings and as naive as I may seem to some we are going to have to all get off our buts one day soon and do something about the current direction of the world and this idea we have of expansionism.

But the gambling take and how it is taken is disguting and a disgrace to everyone. We all ought to hang our heads in shame. But no we rationalise these things to stay comfortable in our own little nests. It is no longer good enough.

So you consider yourself an "old shearer" rather than an old copper, and yet you call yourself "explod". I know it's none of my business, but your posts are confusing.
So you consider yourself an "old shearer" rather than an old copper, and yet you call yourself "explod". I know it's none of my business, but your posts are confusing.

Have been retired from the Force for 12 years which seems pretty ex to me. If I could have an ASF name change I would, it does get me into bother sometimes. I suppose not well thought out when I signed up.
spent some time shearing Wilcannia/Broken Hill best time of my life...... Grazcos...ask some shearers how to run the on free beer:)

First shed in Queensland was with Grazcos at Cunnamulla. The burr ripped my soft Victorian arms to pieces. But yes they were great days, would think nothing then of driving 130 miles just to get a box or two of beer.

Now what are we going to do to stop expansionism and the Jamie Packers of this world exploiting our childrens and grandchildrens inheritance.

You will not stamp out gambling as it is now established entertainment. It needs to be nationalised so that all the profits go back into the system to help the younger generation be nurtured and educated properly so that they too do not end up gamblers.

To change things the thing has to be bred out imho.
Explod, Did you know a Charelville based copper named Kenny Cant we had another surname for him, he helped me find out about undue noise by manner of operation, bald tryes ( no hair as one ex gf asked ) speeding regardless in the vehicle was moving or not.

Back in the days when Pontius was a pilot.
Explod, Did you know a Charelville based copper named Kenny Cant we had another surname for him, he helped me find out about undue noise by manner of operation, bald tryes ( no hair as one ex gf asked ) speeding regardless in the vehicle was moving or not.

Back in the days when Pontius was a pilot.

Kept clear of the cops in those days. My Brother was locked up at Longreach over a weekend for being in charge of a vehicle whilst drunk. He decided not to drive as he had had too many so fell asleep but unfortunately had the keys in the ignition.

I joined the Victoria Police and tried to stop that approach. Gradually I was not popular but as I rose through the ranks do feel that I eventually made a good contribution to changing some of the poor judgements made.

Yes in the old days it was often worse but unfortunately there will always be pockets of problems as the job does seem to still attrract the Darth Vader stand over type. I do think the new Chief in Victoria is trying to deal with such issues but the white anting of people like .... and now aided by the press's cr..p on listening to these same tired old recent ex....trouble makers in trying to interefere with Government enquries; he does have a tough job in front of him. (Of names no pack drill)

In retrospect, Christeen Nixon was very insightfull in getting Overland from out side in, first to rid us of the shootin tootin underworld and then some of the rot in the Crime Department. It is the latter that still try to hang in there and undermine the good job he is doing. 40 odd years ago the Chief Commissioner I served under Mick Miller had to do the same thing. Two very high ranking CIB men went to gaol and I enjoyed a career within a very stable work environment. The police and community involvement programmes that were established we can be very proud of. The current woes spring from the Kennett Govt's cutting out at the time a very good middle management arrangement. Thought they could do without the Inspectors who in effect were the auditors keeping a watch on the troops so to speak. The rest is history IMHO

Thanks for asking the question Glen48, been wanting to tell someone how I felt about this for awhile.

Explod hope it has been some help and you are born again, check to see if you have another belly button.

That rule about sleeping whilst drunk only encouraged the driver to drive as they would have been nicked anyway.

Another topic fit for this post
Charleville was the training ground for Terry "Little fish " White and a disgrace to honest coppers.
My pet hate is the law and police and the stupidity with in I am sure a lot must leave the force when they see commonsense is not welcomed and only encourages crime.

As a kid when I saw a police car I would run even when I knew I had done nothing wrong and respect was in vogue.
I am sure every one would have a story to tell about the law and how they think rules should be changed, as the depression draws near we will see more rules introduced to increase revenue for the feds etc. like they are now doing in USA were speeding fine for doing over MPH have gone from $60 to $200
The continued loss of our young men in war zones, Aphganistan today sickens me to the core and I believe our Government and the US have lost the plot.

Like Korea, Vietnam and Irak this campaign will prove to be an utter waste.

But can you stand the waste of our youth, the best of them in fact and Fathers to Australian children.

I am very very sad a pi ed off. Both My Dad and Gandfarther died far too young due to the 1st and 2nd WW's and my Grandmother with a broken heart that they were cannon fodder for the rich to stay that way.

What do others think? Gillard is a mong..el in my view who does not think for herself but patters after the seppos.

F... explosion in my head tonight, I am fed up totally.
We have been told that Afghanistan is the breeding ground for those terrorist nutters. I wonder what would be the outcome if they were left unchecked to spread not only their propaganda into neighbouring countries but their signature of cowardice to the sane world.

We could sit back and allow America to do what has to be done ..... or not. Every one of those individuals from Australia know where they stand when joining the Armed Forces.
We have been told that Afghanistan is the breeding ground for those terrorist nutters. I wonder what would be the outcome if they were left unchecked to spread not only their propaganda into neighbouring countries but their signature of cowardice to the sane world.

We could sit back and allow America to do what has to be done ..... or not. Every one of those individuals from Australia know where they stand when joining the Armed Forces.

And that is one of the points, I do not remember Korea but I do remember being told by the Government of the day about Vietnam and Iraq and they proved in my view to be wrong.

I tend to think that fighting these nutters only breeds more hate and more of them.

And yes they join the services to fight for thier country and support thier mates. It is the way they have been brought up and taught. However in this are we doing something wrong perhaps?

Visited my Son on Sunday and my 5 year old Grandson was on the computer playing one of the latest war games for his age group. I was shocked at the reality of it and his prowess already at seeking out and shooting the enemy.

Could he be coming home in a body bag in 15 to 20 years time?

Surely we can find a better way.
Surely we can find a better way.
Beings have the capacity to do good or evil. As long as that is possible, the fighting (of evil) will go on. Hatred and revenge are two common evils that fester.

Which I suppose comes down to the first stone thrower. Then people take sides and you have a conflict. Smart man dumb man all in one.
The only way you will win war's is to throw money at DNA etc research that is the key, find out what makes the mind tick and which DNA switch needs to be turned on or off I know its genetic manipulation but if we want peace we need to research it all.
We originated from Fish millions of years ago and Humans are only a few DNA switch's different from Monkeys the main one is we have a Thumb.
If we can work out what makes different nationalities think the way they do we should be able to have a civilized society.
Which brings up the next problem we have peace so the population increases at least War's kill.

Now thats a good playstation were you can play God
The only way you will win war's is to throw money at DNA etc research that is the key, find out what makes the mind tick and which DNA switch needs to be turned on or off I know its genetic manipulation but if we want peace we need to research it all.
It must be a glitch in the evolutionary process to reduce specie numbers. We learn what evil is primarily through television nowadays but we all aren't evil. Why, I believe, is because of what Sig. Freud coined as the pain or pleasure principle. Most of us move away from pain and toward pleasure but for some they seek out pain. Maybe pain seekers don't feel they belong in the community so will be destructive toward others with the knowing their gratification from punishment and suffering will come. This could also be reason why traders fail. They unwittingly seek pain.
To unlock the secret of the universe we need to work out what makes the Brain tick and why some have more or less of the seven deadly sins which genes do what to the way people think and I assume nature made us this way so nature can get a lot of different avenues to explore and maybe find out Muslims are the strongest species and they will rule or will Western thinking be the answer with technology.
The only way you will win war's is to throw money at DNA etc research that is the key, find out what makes the mind tick and which DNA switch needs to be turned on or off I know its genetic manipulation but if we want peace we need to research it all.

"Ja mein fuhrer!"