Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Destructive asylum seekers - gone too far?

If any people are bigoted it is the very people that come here seeking asylum. If we or they, behaved in the manner that they are behaving, did so in their country. I am sure it would not get the t.v coverage they are recieving here.
However I am sure it would be dealt with in a timely manner.
It obviously infuriates Minor that with a change of government there has been a relaxation of border protection laws. This has led to a huge increase in illegal asylum seekers which, quite correctly, his and his children will bear the cost of.
I am sure if Minor arrived unannounced and without papers in the countries from whence these people came, they would not dare to behave as these people are.
It is very easy to prey on charitable people, it is rude then to spit on them.
These very same people could have stayed in Indonesia if they only wanted to escape their own country.
We vs. them

Are these just blind prejudices or are these based in anyone's reality but your own??

Why stop with just shooting these asylum seekers? Why not go on with shooting all the other people that have come to our country in the past 60 odd years as I'm sure some of them steal our hard earned tax payers funds??? All the indians, pakistanis, malays, chinese etc etc.
And the canadians, britons, afrikaners, and europeans too perhaps? Filtering out the non-whites to imply things about miner? Not on mate.

Of course, if there is no 'We vs. them', there is no we :2twocents. A nation-state without a border, that is - without a geo-demographic discontinuity, is neither a nation nor a state.
We vs. them

Are these just blind prejudices or are these based in anyone's reality but your own??

Why stop with just shooting these asylum seekers? Why not go on with shooting all the other people that have come to our country in the past 60 odd years as I'm sure some of them steal our hard earned tax payers funds??? All the indians, pakistanis, malays, chinese etc etc.

That is a very biased and inflammatory statement. Most of the immigants over the last 60 years came here in an orderly manner and lived in hostels untill they were processed.
None to my knowledge other than those in recent history behaved in such an outrageous manner. Especially when they so blatantly disregard normal processing proceedures.
They treat our border protection laws with contempt and our property with contempt. Yet expect to be treated and accepted with respect, give us a break.
What a sad thread.

To know that there are people out there who actually hold these views is a bitter indictment on humanity.
What a sad thread.

To know that there are people out there who actually hold these views is a bitter indictment on humanity.

I am the chosen one

Unfortunately most people can't claim you status of being "the chosen one."
What a sad thread.

To know that there are people out there who actually hold these views is a bitter indictment on humanity.

Who is the bitter indictment on humanity? Is it these people who burn the accomodation that is provided for them free of charge? Or is it those who express their concerns at the violent behaviour and the concerns of what is happening overseas to countries who have given a helping hand only to find themselves living in fear for their lives as those they helped do not return the kindness?

From SMH: Bomb found at Villawood, police say
Australia escape from poverty for Afghans

Economic deprivation rather than fear of persecution is driving Afghan Hazaras to risk their lives to come to Australia, according to a previously secret Government-commissioned report.........

This seems incredible that the government has known this and yet done nothing to correct this problem? What about the genuine refugees who are fleeing persecution that are made to wait even longer due to these economic travellers?

And this is interesting from the article:

And in a finding that backs the Federal Opposition's claim that it is "pull" and not "push" factors causing the surge of boat arrivals, the $72,000 research discovered that many Hazaras strongly believed that successfully travelling to Australia illegally guaranteed their refugee status. Of the 7668 unlawful arrivals by boat since January last year, 3306 were Afghan. In this period, only 83 have returned home - most voluntarily - including six Afghans.

The rejection rate for Afghan refugee claims is about 50 per cent - up from 10 per cent 18 months ago - but 70 per cent of those rejected have refugee status confirmed on appeal.

So, 50% are rejected, then use our free legal system to appeal. 70% of those appeals are successful - meaning they have learned from their free legal help how to look like a genuine refugee...:rolleyes:

And to think that attempts from some posters to make others feel bad for not helping people fleeing persecution when it was clear to anyone with half a brain that the pull factor of Australia with it's huge welcome mat to all and sundry was bringing in far more than genuine refugees fleeing persecution.
This thread reminds me of something an older wiser person once told me.
"The judges won't start and give out harsh penalties untill they have to take the perpetrator home with them".
LOL. That's it? Honestly, if you're going to resort to a personal attack, at least make it a good one.

What personal attack? I made no attempt to discdedit your claim that you are "the chosen one." And from such lofty heights you have every right to lecture others on their behavior.
It's hardly a sad thread when close on 100 people (including repeats) have the chance to state their opinion and close on 100% of those recognise that this behaviour (not the very weak justifications that are offered) is totally unacceptable. I stand by my view that they should all have been rounded up and shipped back to their country of origin - no exceptions. Maybe that would send a message back to those who are waiting to try their luck - "it's not just the ones who protest who get sent back, they all do".

It's interesting that recent developments have ignored the intial anger at their behaviour and the political tone has mellowed to be one of "charging the offenders" blah, blah, blah.. Another weak, lame and futile political squirm to get away from the underlying lack of decisive action that was required within the initial 24 hours of the offence.

Thanks for your input everyone
Serco, the controversial foreign conglomerate that runs Australia's detention centres, originally signed a five-year contract worth $370 million to run the centres until mid-2014. This has now significantly increased:

Full article from Detention contractor's $1 billion asylum seeker windfall

This week's federal Budget provided some clues into how much Serco could benefit from the detention boom. It predicted the total cost of processing asylum seekers and housing them in detention centres in the year to June 2012 would blow out from a previously-forecast $240 million to $1.1 billion.

and a little clause found in budget papers the excerpt below can be seen about halfway down the page of the following article:

This week's budget papers reveal that the Gillard government has also granted Serco legal and financial indemnities.

Serco is responsible for insuring the Immigration Department against loss and damage, or any personal liability claims arising from its management of detention centres, but the government has agreed that Serco will be liable to pay only $75m, on top of any insurance payouts.
I would ask posters not to blame the immigrants for their behaviour.

They are human beings and ask yourself how you would behave on the brink of a civiilised Western life, but being forced back in to a medieval hell by government edict.

The true guilty are the ALP/Green government who encouraged their migration.

I would ask posters not to blame the immigrants for their behaviour.

They are human beings and ask yourself how you would behave on the brink of a civiilised Western life, but being forced back in to a medieval hell by government edict.

The true guilty are the ALP/Green government who encouraged their migration.


I think that is where the blame is being directed, GG, and is one of the reasons that Gillard is losing popularity for labor as she has continued to keep the welcome mat out for so long. The last couple of years of influx is clearly linked to the change in government policy from the Pacific Solution to a welcome to all and sundry. And who wouldn't want to come here and be sustained financially, medically and educationally if desired for the rest of their lives? And paid for every baby they produce...

I still think the Howard Pacific Solution is more humane than Gillard's Malaysian people trading scheme. The Pacific Solution is more likely to attract genuine refugees who still have a safe place to go while discouraging those who want to milk our welfare system.
It will be interesting to see where the current boatload are sent. Chris Bowen is telling us that they are being sent a very clear message about the futility of trying to come to Australia in boats. Further, he insists they will processed offshore.

So far, though, they are headed for discharge at Christmas Island, despite Mr Bowen suggesting they will be the first boatload to feel the results of the government's new deal. The reporter on this ABC story noted that the agreement with Malaysia is not yet signed so we await with interest the eventual destination of this boat.

Meantime, Thailand have apparently woken up to the riches that are available to Asian countries if they take a few of our asylum seekers: the Thai government is saying they would be very keen to engage in a similar deal to that brokered with Malaysia.

What next, I wonder? Will Australia eventually engage in taxpayer funded deals with many more countries all anxious to offload thousands of their asylum seekers for a few of ours? We couldn't blame them. Australia foots the bill for everything.
Why wouldn't they want a part of it!
So far, though, they are headed for discharge at Christmas Island, despite Mr Bowen suggesting they will be the first boatload to feel the results of the government's new deal. The reporter on this ABC story noted that the agreement with Malaysia is not yet signed so we await with interest the eventual destination of this boat.

Meantime, Thailand have apparently woken up to the riches that are available to Asian countries if they take a few of our asylum seekers: the Thai government is saying they would be very keen to engage in a similar deal to that brokered with Malaysia.
Malaysia or another country ??

It's in the video, after Paul and Melony park the car.