Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ASX Sharemarket Game 2011

14 December 2010
Is anyone getting involved in this game?

I am quite new to trading and while I'm developing my system I will take the opportunity to test myself against the live market in this game.

Looking forward to it :)
registered also for some fun.. but looking at the shares you can buy it would appear to do well will involve alot more trading than it will investing .. could be a bit too time consuming
registered also, iv played a few times and its a good way to get a insight into the share market.

also stockwatch also has a simulator thats similar to the asx which iv been playing for the last few months.
ive registered to, in still learning the trading game so it will be a good test run for what ive learnt so far. hopefully we all end up with some profits
It's a bit annoying that we can only trade the top 100 companies or so. I'm going to do some anlysis this weekend and try to play the game as well as possible. It will be good to see how I stack up.
It's a bit annoying that we can only trade the top 100 companies or so. I'm going to do some anlysis this weekend and try to play the game as well as possible. It will be good to see how I stack up.

thats why I didnt try it!!! SHOULD BE ALL STOCKS!!
Yeah I started trading today.
I think it would be a better idea if it had more listed stocks to choose from. That way, it would enable more competition in my opinion.
IMHO Trading games are a must. Be it using pencil and paper, or a computer based 'Virtual Portfolio'. It will allow the new trader to get a better feel for what's going on in the market. As long as you manage it in exactly the same way you would if using it with 'Real Money'. Don't be tempted to 'Cheat', your only cheating yourself. Also some of these games have a starting balance of 20K, 50K or 100K whatever it maybe. Most people don't have this much to start out with, so keep it real and only use what you are planning on using when you start with real money.

However, I think the main strenght of these trading games, is that it gets the new trader into actively watching stocks trade, for the longer period of time.

I think that 100 stocks is more than enough to start with. I've kept a written trading journal on 10 stocks that can span back 20+ years. I call them my 'Hunting Stocks', and they are just a bit of fun, but I know them so well, that I can just focus on price, and rarely even look at a chart, when I trade them. It's a wonderful thing being able to do this, and I get a lot of pleasure from it. Sure there not always ready to trade, but when they are, I always make money from them.
How's everyone performing so far? :cool:

This is how i'm doing at Friday's close:

Cash on hand $102.66
Share holding value $49,864.70
Total portfolio worth $49,967.36

I nearly made back the brokerage costs :)

Invested in 5 companies = $150 down the drain

1 company is under investigations by ASIC for "misleading claims made to public"... trading halted... yipee

2 companies are doing well

1 company hasn't done much, it's flat lined

Last company has gone down, but will be announcing half yearly profits tomorrow... i think they will have good profit, lets see what happens :)
This is how i'm doing at Friday's close:

Cash on hand $102.66
Share holding value $49,864.70
Total portfolio worth $49,967.36

I nearly made back the brokerage costs :)

Invested in 5 companies = $150 down the drain

1 company is under investigations by ASIC for "misleading claims made to public"... trading halted... yipee

2 companies are doing well

1 company hasn't done much, it's flat lined

Last company has gone down, but will be announcing half yearly profits tomorrow... i think they will have good profit, lets see what happens :)

With a 2% risk to capital, you can safely lose $1000 total across all of your trades, and it won't hurt you.

Ditch the company that is under investigation as soon as the hault is lifted, it might 'Gap down' in price. Monitor closely.

Ditch the 'Flatliner' momentum is your friend.

The company with a profit announcement will be a 50/50 bet wait and see.

hold the two good ones.

What are the companies BTW?
With a 2% risk to capital, you can safely lose $1000 total across all of your trades, and it won't hurt you.

Ditch the company that is under investigation as soon as the hault is lifted, it might 'Gap down' in price. Monitor closely.

Ditch the 'Flatliner' momentum is your friend.

The company with a profit announcement will be a 50/50 bet wait and see.

hold the two good ones.

What are the companies BTW?

Momentum will win you the game indeed! Its a tough game as its a longer competition. The leaders this week wont be the leaders next month.
FMG is the company under investigation, from what little experience I have, I believe it has potential for growth.

WOW did well, i might hold it for 1 or 2 more days and then sell it.

BKN did well. I bought it after it went ex-div so trying to capitalise on the drop in share price. Not sure if that is a good strategy, but has worked so far. The newspapers are predicting good times for the company - might stick with it for a while.

RMD is flat, not much change over the last 2 trading days, I might sell it and buy something else as suggested by 'Market Depth' and skyQuake.

IIN has gone downhill, but I think it will pick back up after the profit report.

I might buy SGM or NCM.
At this stage NCM sounds good, plans are there for it to be listed in Canadian stock market.
I lost about $900 today :(
Is this to be expected because the ASX index went down?

I sold WOW and bought ILU... should have bought NCM instead, it made like 70c or something today. crazy!

I should go with my gut feelings next time
I opened a Stockwatch Account Sunday Night, thought I'd play along. Might as well practice what I preach:D

Your only allowed to have a maximum postion of 10k on any one trade, and thus far only opened the 1 postion this morning, that being Centro. Bought for 0.335 and it closed at 0.345, so up about 3% for the day on my 10k, so about $300.

Will add some more postions once I find the ones ready to trade.:D
where do you guys come up with/find these stocks/positions out of the large pool of stocks?

i was up about 100$ in the asx game, now down ~200 as i decided on test buying on dividends, but instead lost more money than it paid, lets see if the share recover its costs after it went exdividends.