Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Flood Levy - Do you agree?

What do yo think of the Gillard flood levy?

  • I agree with the flood levy and the current level seems right

    Votes: 24 21.2%
  • I agree with the flood levy but the current level is too low

    Votes: 2 1.8%
  • I agree with the flood levy but the current level is too high

    Votes: 3 2.7%
  • I disagree with the flood levy

    Votes: 84 74.3%

  • Total voters
Yes i dont agree either. Those that have already donated are now being forced to 'donate' so to speak so essentially they will be giving a lot more.

Governments should have funds set aside for natural disasters as we already pay high amounts of taxes that get wasted by inefficiencies anyway
The old saying.... "put funds aside for a raining day" really seem to be quite suitable here, something the current government didnt do.....

Typical response from a fair proportion on ASFers.

I spent Australia day at Grantham. They worked all day there except for a half hour at midday when they held an Australia day MEMORIAL SERVICE. That's how a lot of good Australians spent anzac day.

In my long life I have seen many things that I would prefer to forget. the devastation there is way beyond anything I have ever seen.

The people there are the ones that normally sweat and toil to supply your supermarket with fruit and vegs. They dont earn much. They dont own much. Now they own less, in some cases nothing.

Thankfully they are not all like you.:banghead: I took up a big load of donated goods. Donated by people that I know could not really afford to give.

Our group is sending up 9 caravans GIFTED to flood victims with no strings attached. We also offered a car to one person. His answer was " I'm OK, A mate has lent me one, give it to someone that needs it more than I do".

We have only had to pay for 3 of the vans. The rest are donated. The three paid for are from donations. One van that was donated was one we looked at to buy but when the owner was told where it was going she told us that when she was a child her family lost their home in a flood. She remembers standing in the street after dark and asking her dad where were they going to sleep that night. She said she hoped no other child would ever have that problem.

Thank God there are still some with compassion.:banghead:

Woolworths offer dollar for dollar you say. Good. Was their offer of a better dollar for dollar than mine. Is theirs a better dollar. My dollar bought many many dollars worth of goods. Most times I try to spend it I get offered the goods or services gratis. :banghead:

Dont bother responding with your usual rubbishing post as I am logging off ASF and may or may not return. If I do it will only be to open stock threads.


Bring on a levy. At least it will make the mean heads help. Remember it is better that some get helped that did not need help than not help some that really need our help. It appears that some are more interested in saving a whale, a dog or a flying fox than helping some human being. That hip pocket nerve again!!!!!!!:banghead:

Bye Bye

ahahahaha. Next time you want to get up on your high horse and say how much better than everyone else you are, how about you make sure that it actually relates to the topic of the thread. This thread is about the FLOOD LEVY, not the actual flood itself. No one here is debating the impact of the floods or the recovery action that should be taken by the various levels of government. This thread is solely debating the blatant money grab that is being displayed by JG and her cabinet.

Maybe the anger you are feeling should be directed to Julia Gillard and her crew. While everyone else was concerned about the impact the floods would have, she was sitting in her big office screaming 'you beauty!!! i have a scapegoat for my budget deficits'. And the flood levy is just a way for Julia Gillard to avoid making some hard decisions.
What a ****ing joke!

How can this be acceptable and Australia still called a capitalist economy?

As a product of what I thought was a capitalist economy, I was happy to distribute some of my "surplus deferred spending" in the form of donations and effort for many causes.

A number which was carefully crafted to give the maximum possible % of my monthly budget to those in need.

Now I hear the Government wants to mess with my budget because they didn't get theirs right? Take money from my pocket and spend it on whose track record? Gillards? Rudds? Howards? Blighs?

No issue from me with showing compassion. As an Australian I would feel like a dog if I didn't.

This is compassion at gunpoint. Way to show the whole country that we don't have a single "rainy day dollar" saved up.

Govt claims the levy will raise 1.85 bio AUD to pay approx 1/3 of the cleanup costs.

For the record, they claim
She said that for every extra dollar imposed on taxpayers, 2 dollars would be saved though scrapping or postponing spending.

all these "scrapping or postponing" is coming from the portfolio of green concepts that got this Government elected in the first place.

My opinion is that a levy is completely unnecessary, there are lots of places we could cut a little spending and probably do the world some good and no I don't mean cutting solar initiatives and green subsidies.

Maybe, just maybe, we would have a little money to spend if we weren't busy being Americas lapdog in the military-industrial front.
FIGHTING the war on terror has cost Australian taxpayers more than $20 billion since September 2001.

The Federal Government alone has spent or committed more than $11.5 billion on domestic and international counter-terrorism measures, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The rest of the figure covers spending by states, territories and the private sector.

The money is being spent on everything from training special forces to deal with weapons of mass destruction to a $74 million system enabling police and ASIO to tap phone calls.

11 bio AUD! Enough to pay for the flood cleanup TOTAL, with 5bio left for balancing the budget, education, indigenous, healthcare and homelessness in that order.

Done. sinner for PM!
Dont bother responding with your usual rubbishing post as I am logging off ASF and may or may not return. If I do it will only be to open stock threads...
Bye Bye

Bye Bye he says as he departs in a high dudgeon, alone and unappreciated. He'll be back after he takes a few aspros for his headache after all that head banging.
Local councils and their buddies the property developers are entirely to blame. They allowed people to build when they knew the lie of the land. Nothing to do with Gillard. She's picking up the pieces as best she knows how. Turnbull will make some sort of move for top office soon and the whole country will sigh relief. Men generally make better leaders, and the more old fashioned and blue-blood, the better. :p:

Typical response from a fair proportion on ASFers.

I spent Australia day at Grantham. They worked all day there except for a half hour at midday when they held an Australia day MEMORIAL SERVICE. That's how a lot of good Australians spent anzac day.

In my long life I have seen many things that I would prefer to forget. the devastation there is way beyond anything I have ever seen.

The people there are the ones that normally sweat and toil to supply your supermarket with fruit and vegs. They dont earn much. They dont own much. Now they own less, in some cases nothing.

Thankfully they are not all like you. I took up a big load of donated goods. Donated by people that I know could not really afford to give.
Typical bleedin' heart response.

There are people losing their possessions and lives all over the world every day due to being overwhelmed by nature. I wish the people of the floods all the best to recovery but assistance wise I feel "donations" of time, money or goods is the compassion due to anyone.

Most of us experience loss to a greater or lesser degree during one lifetime with "no expectation" of financial, physical or emotional help.
I thought the levy was going to be worse then what it turned out to be. Probably because of labors ramping the original levy cost, then scaling it back today so it didn't seem so bad.
I can live with it. I'm not happy about it considering I have already made large donations. If they keep the levy past 12 months I will be abusing labor in the streets. There is enough tax as it is in this country.
The thing is, it has to be paid for somehow, so there's no choice. No point complaining.

The only concern I have is that large scale natural disasters seem to be much more common nowadays, so we might need this as an ongoing levy. May also need an additional levy for helping other countries with their natural disasters.

Meanwhile.... back at the Insurance company, the big shots are having a little chuckle about how to word the fine print for next years contracts. :)
I am amazed and apalled at the level of selfishness displayed by many of the previous posters. So many of whom consider themselves to be expert traders making a fortune through the various markets.
I am ashamed at the depth of selfishness and resentment expressed by some, in being expected to cough up what would be a pittance in the overall wealth they generate each year, for the purpose of fast tracking the rebuilding of infrastructure in flood effected areas.
I find it contemptable, the finger pointing blame game for political parties not having a contingency plan in place to deal with a 100 year or 200 year flood as if this could be expected, planned for etc.
The hypocracy, of those rabbitting on about their levels of generosity in tax deductable donations versus their willingness to contribute a levy based on a sliding scale of their taxable income, is laughable.
In my opinion, your appalling carry-on is a disgrace to anyone calling themselves Australian. Maybe this site should be renamed "The mean-fisted tightarse forum"
I thought the levy was going to be worse then what it turned out to be. Probably because of labors ramping the original levy cost, then scaling it back today so it didn't seem so bad.
I can live with it. I'm not happy about it considering I have already made large donations. If they keep the levy past 12 months I will be abusing labor in the streets. There is enough tax as it is in this country.

Sounds incongruent.

Face it, Govt is asking us to tighten our belts a little to help out because there is nothing left in the pantry! Why don't they tighten their belts!


According to this chart, the Govt costs nothing. I mean, which slice does the maintenance of the lawns of Parliament fit under? Is the golden handshake pension+car service,etc we give all departing politicians a "general government service"? How many visits to facebook or ebay have we funded and where does that fit on the pie?

I put it to the crowd that there is without a doubt one section of this pie which is nothing but hidden fat and probably only a small % of it would be required to pay for the whole cleanup.

Typical response from a fair proportion on ASFers.

I spent Australia day at Grantham. They worked all day there except for a half hour at midday when they held an Australia day MEMORIAL SERVICE. That's how a lot of good Australians spent anzac day.

In my long life I have seen many things that I would prefer to forget. the devastation there is way beyond anything I have ever seen.

The people there are the ones that normally sweat and toil to supply your supermarket with fruit and vegs. They dont earn much. They dont own much. Now they own less, in some cases nothing.

Thankfully they are not all like you.:banghead: I took up a big load of donated goods. Donated by people that I know could not really afford to give.

Our group is sending up 9 caravans GIFTED to flood victims with no strings attached. We also offered a car to one person. His answer was " I'm OK, A mate has lent me one, give it to someone that needs it more than I do".

We have only had to pay for 3 of the vans. The rest are donated. The three paid for are from donations. One van that was donated was one we looked at to buy but when the owner was told where it was going she told us that when she was a child her family lost their home in a flood. She remembers standing in the street after dark and asking her dad where were they going to sleep that night. She said she hoped no other child would ever have that problem.

Thank God there are still some with compassion.:banghead:

Woolworths offer dollar for dollar you say. Good. Was their offer of a better dollar for dollar than mine. Is theirs a better dollar. My dollar bought many many dollars worth of goods. Most times I try to spend it I get offered the goods or services gratis. :banghead:

Dont bother responding with your usual rubbishing post as I am logging off ASF and may or may not return. If I do it will only be to open stock threads.


Bring on a levy. At least it will make the mean heads help. Remember it is better that some get helped that did not need help than not help some that really need our help. It appears that some are more interested in saving a whale, a dog or a flying fox than helping some human being. That hip pocket nerve again!!!!!!!:banghead:

Bye Bye

Great work Nokia man of action

As for the levy infrastructure needs rebuilding for QLD that will benefit of all Australians.

What we don't need is a opposition leader hinting not to donate because you will pay through tax.
Sounds incongruent.

Face it, Govt is asking us to tighten our belts a little to help out because there is nothing left in the pantry! Why don't they tighten their belts!


According to this chart, the Govt costs nothing. I mean, which slice does the maintenance of the lawns of Parliament fit under? Is the golden handshake pension+car service,etc we give all departing politicians a "general government service"? How many visits to facebook or ebay have we funded and where does that fit on the pie?

I put it to the crowd that there is without a doubt one section of this pie which is nothing but hidden fat and probably only a small % of it would be required to pay for the whole cleanup.

Oh trust me I see the waste by government. There is enough fat there to cut more than a few billion out of. The amount of bureaucracy in this country is unbelievable. The amount I have to put up with in small business is BS. But I love QLD (don't trust the government waste spending to fix it) and want to see it back on track.

I am amazed and apalled at the level of selfishness displayed by many of the previous posters. So many of whom consider themselves to be expert traders making a fortune through the various markets.
I am ashamed at the depth of selfishness and resentment expressed by some, in being expected to cough up what would be a pittance in the overall wealth they generate each year, for the purpose of fast tracking the rebuilding of infrastructure in flood effected areas.
These comments are made a lot, but at some point people say enough is enough. We still have to cop a carbon tax yet on a host of taxes we have already copped.
Like I said I can cop the flood levy, but like a lot of other people I have reached my fill over government taxes and waste.
Meanwhile.... back at the Insurance company, the big shots are having a little chuckle about how to word the fine print for next years contracts. :)

What's all this talk about "fine print." on insurance policies. Anyone who can't, or doesn't, read and understand their policy is either a fool or a liar.
I am amazed and apalled at the level of selfishness displayed by many of the previous posters. So many of whom consider themselves to be expert traders making a fortune through the various markets.
I am ashamed at the depth of selfishness and resentment expressed by some, in being expected to cough up what would be a pittance in the overall wealth they generate each year, for the purpose of fast tracking the rebuilding of infrastructure in flood effected areas.
I find it contemptable, the finger pointing blame game for political parties not having a contingency plan in place to deal with a 100 year or 200 year flood as if this could be expected, planned for etc.
The hypocracy, of those rabbitting on about their levels of generosity in tax deductable donations versus their willingness to contribute a levy based on a sliding scale of their taxable income, is laughable.
In my opinion, your appalling carry-on is a disgrace to anyone calling themselves Australian. Maybe this site should be renamed "The mean-fisted tightarse forum"

I agree Nulla stunned by the me me me response

I can't wait to download smut in under a second compared to 5-10 secs :rolleyes:

Are they going to ensure homes in flood prone areas are raised however many meters above sea level to ensure that they won't be flooded again? I highly doubt it.

I don't mind paying the levy if they try to fix the underlying problem, not just band aid it.

So you would agree that we need to do something about reducing global warming?
These comments are made a lot, but at some point people say enough is enough. We still have to cop a carbon tax yet on a host of taxes we have already copped.
Like I said I can cop the flood levy, but like a lot of other people I have reached my fill over government taxes and waste.
Typical socialist BS opinion, pull your head out of your ****.

I wouldn't expect anything less from you. In the face of being unable to offer any justifiable moral or practical reason for there not being a levy to assist with the fast-tracked rebuilding of infrastructure in flood effected areas, you resort to stereotypical responses like all the other Tony Abbott supporters. You should consider removing your head from his **** and having an objective look around.

Too slow on the edit, eh. Your true cololurs are out in the open.
I am amazed and apalled at the level of selfishness displayed by many of the previous posters. So many of whom consider themselves to be expert traders making a fortune through the various markets.
I am ashamed at the depth of selfishness and resentment expressed by some, in being expected to cough up what would be a pittance in the overall wealth they generate each year, for the purpose of fast tracking the rebuilding of infrastructure in flood effected areas.
I find it contemptable, the finger pointing blame game for political parties not having a contingency plan in place to deal with a 100 year or 200 year flood as if this could be expected, planned for etc.
The hypocracy, of those rabbitting on about their levels of generosity in tax deductable donations versus their willingness to contribute a levy based on a sliding scale of their taxable income, is laughable.
In my opinion, your appalling carry-on is a disgrace to anyone calling themselves Australian. Maybe this site should be renamed "The mean-fisted tightarse forum"

You can save your shame, do you have any idea what this discussion is even about?

Although this is not the discussion, you did bring this up. My question would be why should somebody pay lots more levy just because they are successful?you sound like a poli because they have such high morals....