The people in charge of the recovery have strongly suggested donations should be of money for two reasons. 1. Money allows them to spend where the need is greatest and most appropriate. 2. Needed items can be bought in the local community thus propping up both morale and business recovery.
Have you checked with the places to which you intend to consign these caravans as to whether a suitable place is available for them, and for that matter, if they actually want them?
Money donated is often only partly distributed. Take the bushfire appeal in Vic. Over a year since it happened and still not all distributed. I thought all ASFers knew that you didn't get value giving bureaucrats money to spend
And yes I am liasing with the people up there. They say send them up. They asked that we do not send furniture and white goods yet as they dont have anywhere to put them but vans , yes. The first two are organised for next week along with a garden shed. We also had a young lady give us her car, they said yes please. ( she is getting a new one, gave us the trade).
The reason why the people in charge of the recovery say cash is that it can be transferred electronically. They wouldnt know how to send a car. We have volunteers that will deliver it. Same goes for vans. With money the "recovery team" would spend the same money buying one van that we are using to buy two or three that will do the job.
P.S. Cant wait for ASFers, I have prepaid my $5000 of the deal to buy a van today at $5,500 which is going there on Tuesday or Wednesday next week. It was too good an offer to miss. It will be accompanied by another I bought yesterday. We also have had a couple of old vans donated. We are getting great value for our dollar.