Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Anna Bligh For Premier

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
Anna Bligh has shown tremendous leadership and empathy in this flood crisis.

She now needs to get rid of the media/marketing rabble and the Labor aristocracy who have led the ALP to the precipice of annihilation in Queensland. Some young workers and intelligent graduates are needed to go for parliament as ALP candidates. Not tired old lackeys.

I was always wary of having a Dentist as Premier. It takes so long to get in to one, that having one as a Premier seems like using a drill bit on a gangbusting oil field to stir one's bolognese sauce. A waste. The LibNats need to look at someone like Newman from outside the party room to oppose Bligh.

If an election were held tomorrow I'd vote for Bligh.

There's a heck of a lot of praise for Bligh in the media. This is actually how politicians should lead. But let's not get carried away. She's not an exceptional leader, she's a good leader. She doesn't make other pollies look bad, they are bad. What's unusual about her is that she's doing what she should.

One other thing: what's with the woman doing all the hand signals during the tv updates??!! Do floods mean that subtitles no longer work?
Anna Bligh has shown tremendous leadership and empathy in this flood crisis.
I agree on both counts: she has been truly impressive, I think largely because she did express so much humanity, as opposed to the usual purely political nonsense.

But let's not forget that she has made some bad decisions. Even just keeping Paul Lucas in his job amongst the fiasco of the health pay problems has been quite wrong imo.

She now needs to get rid of the media/marketing rabble and the Labor aristocracy who have led the ALP to the precipice of annihilation in Queensland. Some young workers and intelligent graduates are needed to go for parliament as ALP candidates. Not tired old lackeys.
Agree in principle re the Labor Party, but remember how K Rudd was led astray when following the advice of these sort of young guns?
There's much to be said for actual experience instead of some degree and little else.

The LibNats need to look at someone like Newman from outside the party room to oppose Bligh.
Yes, Newman seems very competent but I don't live in Brisbane so don't experience the results of his decisions. The bloke I like best is Mal Brough. Put him up in place of Langbroek - who seems wussy to me - and I'd vote for the LNP in a heartbeat.

If an election were held tomorrow I'd vote for Bligh.
I probably would too, but I'm aware that such a decision is influenced partly by a quasi emotional response to her empathic presentation recently. Plus the fact that I have zilch faith in the dentist's capacity to run Qld.

One other thing: what's with the woman doing all the hand signals during the tv updates??!! Do floods mean that subtitles no longer work?
She's doing sign language for the deaf. Some deaf people are not literate or have other disabilities so the sign language makes it easier for them than printed words on a screen.
If an election were held tomorrow I'd vote for Bligh.

It is strange that we heap praise on a politician for doing what we elected them to do, i.e. show leadership. Bligh however is a one man band and leads a team of pathetic losers, and she is running ragged trying to carry them all.

Yesterday she started bawling, a la Hawke, in front of the cameras, and completely lost it. She had to fall back on cliches with some bull**** about "breeding them tough" north of the border.
Less than a month ago one of my Qld relatives said that Anna Bligh would need an act of God to win the next Qld election. Maybe she has received one!

Got to strongly agree with your comments mate, I've been close to the ground since this event commenced and when the waters started rolling through. I knew we were in for real strife in Bris when I saw the first raw & pics coming through. I was a young fella here when the '74 floods hit and it rips you a bit when you see what has happened here again. Some lingering images are still etched in my mind from that previous event.

There's a long road ahead after the gravity of what has happened really sinks in. The media footage, tweets, postings and pics don't really give the full perspective.

What really is required is that focused and determined leadership to direct the rebuilding and recovery. And your above words reflect the sentiment that I observe here with many.

Anna & Campbell have the 'right stuff' to kick start the soul of this little emerging city.

I've posted this link to an article from John Birmingham, a long time Brissie identity and rouge :p:, in today's Brisbane Times.

JB and you appear to have made similar observations.

Has Anna Bligh earned herself a second chance? 20110113-19ojm.htm

I still have a soft spot for this once sleeply little village that gave me my kick start to experience the world.

I'l probably be missing now for a while, still got a bit of work to do, got to distribute some gloves and galoshes to a loose company of mates that need to lose a few kilos.
It is strange that we heap praise on a politician for doing what we elected them to do, i.e. show leadership. Bligh however is a one man band and leads a team of pathetic losers, and she is running ragged trying to carry them all.

Yesterday she started bawling, a la Hawke, in front of the cameras, and completely lost it. She had to fall back on cliches with some bull**** about "breeding them tough" north of the border.

Good point Calliope, I couldn't help but cringe when she came out with the "breeding them tough north of the border" comment. At a time when all of Australia is happy to get behind Queensland it seems ridiculous to pass comment that may alienate people from other states. For heaven sake, we're all Australians aren't we.

All this from a premier that started the flood relief fund with a paltry 1 million dollars!!

There's a long road ahead after the gravity of what has happened really sinks in. The media footage, tweets, postings and pics don't really give the full perspective.

What really is required is that focused and determined leadership to direct the rebuilding and recovery. And your above words reflect the sentiment that I observe here with many.

Anna & Campbell have the 'right stuff' to kick start the soul of this little emerging city.

I've posted this link to an article from John Birmingham, a long time Brissie identity and rouge :p:, in today's Brisbane Times.

JB and you appear to have made similar observations.

Has Anna Bligh earned herself a second chance? 20110113-19ojm.htm

I still have a soft spot for this once sleeply little village that gave me my kick start to experience the world.

I'l probably be missing now for a while, still got a bit of work to do, got to distribute some gloves and galoshes to a loose company of mates that need to lose a few kilos.

Take care of yourself and yours mate.

lets just wait until people are looking for someone to blame before we decide that. Three questions that will be asked, among many are; why weren't the army in helping prepare? why was not bris river predicted to come down earlier? (a few mates and I had the discussion early last week) And was Wivenhoe managed correctly?

We should remember Bligh's criticism of the Federal ALP, so if she comes into question Gillard will hang her out to dry. Did not Bligh also upset the unions during QR sale?

Campbell Newman is a Lib man so once the blame game starts him and Anna will be pointing at each other. I think the story that will gather legs, and i concede to have not reading the story closely, is that in 99 Campbell had something to do with a flood report that he wanted to release and then when he got in sat on it??? As I said, only skim read article in yesterday's Oz.

My view is that the first heat will be applied to development approvals, so Campbell will be answering those questions.
It is strange that we heap praise on a politician for doing what we elected them to do, i.e. show leadership. Bligh however is a one man band and leads a team of pathetic losers, and she is running ragged trying to carry them all.

Yesterday she started bawling, a la Hawke, in front of the cameras, and completely lost it. She had to fall back on cliches with some bull**** about "breeding them tough" north of the border.
I didn't see that interview but suspect such a comment might have been made in an attempt to gather herself together if she'd just succumbed to the verge of tears. I can think of plenty of instances in my own life when to cover emotion I've said something I later thought was pretty dumb.

Before we judge her too harshly in this situation, let's remember that she has had a huge responsibility on her, has had to be on top of various situations all at the same time, be constantly in front of cameras and available to press and radio media, and has probably had damn all sleep.

I have genuinely been impressed by the way she has managed this disastrous mess and how she has mostly struck a good balance between human empathy and objective competence.

Do you really think the dentist would have done better?
lets just wait until people are looking for someone to blame before we decide that. Three questions that will be asked, among many are; why weren't the army in helping prepare?
Yes, I've raised this before. Now more than 1000 ADF personnel are out there helping.
They should have been on the ground from the beginning, rather than leave much of the effort to the volunteers of the SES.

Let's hope some forward planning to avoid such a situation in future will at least come out of this (when all the repercussions and blame game starts, which it will).
My money is on the old borg.

Even though the borg were never qualified to be the shadow attorney general.

They may win out.

Look out for the borg. Especially scary in "Spring" from what I've been told. :D


  • borg.jpg
    17.9 KB · Views: 496
If I hear another comment about money FFS

05 January 2011

The Minister for Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government, Simon Crean, touring flood affected south east Queensland emphasised the need for effective and speedy rebuilding of flood damaged communities.

"The Federal Government is committed to helping communities get back on their feet," Mr Crean said.

"In the first instance this means emergency assistance, but beyond that there is longer-term need for rebuilding.

Early payment of third 2010-11 quarterly Financial Assistance Grant payment - QLD































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Hi everyone,
I’ve been so impressed by Anna Bligh over the last few days so I just dropped in for a reality check. Seems I’m not alone.
I’m not saying Anna is a great Premier because I got so tired of and frustrated by all the plastic spin, government waste and broken “non-core promises” years ago, that I decided to become an ostrich and I don’t really follow the minute political details anymore, so I don’t know. But watching her in action over the last few days has given me heart.
I have also revised my opinion of Campbell Newman, who I have never liked; he deserves heaps of praise for his no-nonsense let’s get on with it attitude.
These are two people I would like to have on my side in times of need.
Compared with federally, our PM looked and sounded as if she was speaking to us from another planet. What a disappointment from our first female PM.
And a TV clip of Mr Abbot last night wearing trousers and proper shoes and walking through a small sludge puddle and holding his trousers up looked like a right royal fool.
Sadly, this was an opportunity for both Julia and Tony to drop the crap and show us who they really are and what they are made of and in my estimation, they both failed abysmally.
Anyway, there’s my uninformed 2-cents worth.
Anna Bligh has shown tremendous leadership and empathy in this flood crisis. If an election were held tomorrow I'd vote for Bligh.


So would I and I don't even live in Queensland. Maybe she should consider stepping up to federal politics?
Anyway, there’s my uninformed 2-cents worth.
Really it is only a communications chain. From the people on the ground doing it and their organisers. The end speak is 'advice', direction and information from all (subjectively) relative sources. I think she said mostly the right words but if no one said anything we would still be cleaning up because we have to.

The Tony Abbot action scene is a glaring example of the upper echelon's masked charade.

p.s. in any given situation there can be more or less done.