Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Asylum Seekers Crash on Christmas Island

How many policy failures from Labor have killed (bats) now this, some bad days ahead for labor all self inflicted.
What a tragic event which could have been avoided if Rudd had not changed the rules. His decision has cost many people their lives, Shame on him.

What a load of crap!
With all respect and sympathy for lives lost, blaming the Australian Government for the deaths of refugees, who want to come from one "safe" country (Indonesia) to a better one (Australia) is the biggest beat-up since the "children overboard". Who blamed Howard for those poor dead children?

If blame must be apportioned, start with the Taliban and other inhumane groups of fundamentalists, who wage war against their own people; who mutilate women for fear a guy can't keep it in his pants when he sees a female face or strand of hair; who are stuck in milennial antagonism between two tribes over a patch of flea-ridden desert.

Sure, blaming those morons doesn't help the shipwrecked victims; but blaming a Government that is willing to help all comers, as long as they submit to an orderly process, doesn't help anybody.

blaming the Australian Government for the deaths of refugees, who want to come from one "safe" country (Indonesia) to a better one (Australia) is the biggest beat-up since the "children overboard".


I wander why Indonesia cannot stop people putting themselves in harms way?

Is it that hard?

Would Australia have that much trouble if the wave was the other way?
I wander why Indonesia cannot stop people putting themselves in harms way?

Is it that hard?

Indonesia is the 4th most populated country on the planet.

Do you really think Indonesia gives a rats **** about refugees?

Indonesia is quite happy for refugees to continue passage onto Australia because then it becomes our problem not theirs.
What a load of crap!
With all respect and sympathy for lives lost, blaming the Australian Government for the deaths of refugees, who want to come from one "safe" country (Indonesia) to a better one (Australia) is the biggest beat-up since the "children overboard". Who blamed Howard for those poor dead children?

If blame must be apportioned, start with the Taliban and other inhumane groups of fundamentalists, who wage war against their own people; who mutilate women for fear a guy can't keep it in his pants when he sees a female face or strand of hair; who are stuck in milennial antagonism between two tribes over a patch of flea-ridden desert.

Sure, blaming those morons doesn't help the shipwrecked victims; but blaming a Government that is willing to help all comers, as long as they submit to an orderly process, doesn't help anybody.

Why can't those Afghan cowards stay and fight the Tailban instead of our Aussie soldiers fighting their battles for them. After all the majority of these illegal immagrants are male. Send them back with a white feather tattoed on thier arms and tell them next time come through the front door and do it legally with all the right documentation. 30 year olds trying to pose as teenagers with the same birth date 31/12/1993. Same applies to Pakies.
Of course Rudd and Gillard are responsible. Gillard's spin before the election was to turn the boats in the direction of East Timor. What a joke this dame is. She should resign along with Krudd.
"Shame on you" noco and your deadbeat hero Andrew Bolt for writing such utter trash.

Sorry Macquack if I have hit a political nerve relating to your beloved Prime Minister and Foreign Minister. Some times it is hard for the likes of you and other strong headed Labor supporters to accept the reallity that the political decisions made by Rudd and Gillard on assylum seekers were wrong and have resulted in such a tragedy and others before this one..
What a load of crap!
With all respect and sympathy for lives lost, blaming the Australian Government for the deaths of refugees, who want to come from one "safe" country (Indonesia) to a better one (Australia) is the biggest beat-up since the "children overboard". Who blamed Howard for those poor dead children?
Plenty of people.

Sure, blaming those morons doesn't help the shipwrecked victims; but blaming a Government that is willing to help all comers, as long as they submit to an orderly process, doesn't help anybody.
Don't you think, pixel, that the ease with which asylum seekers have been admitted into Australia since the change of government will have filtered through to Afghanistan et al, and encouraged further boatloads not to wait their turn in a UNHCR camp, but rather to set sail via people smugglers to Australia?
Do you actually believe the present government has not, with its changes in policy, encouraged people to come to Australia by boat?

Indonesia is the 4th most populated country on the planet.

Do you really think Indonesia gives a rats **** about refugees?

Indonesia is quite happy for refugees to continue passage onto Australia because then it becomes our problem not theirs.
Absolutely right. Any window dressing that our government tries to apply to this situation is pathetically inappropriate and stupid.
Don't you think, pixel, that the ease with which asylum seekers have been admitted into Australia since the change of government will have filtered through to Afghanistan et al, and encouraged further boatloads not to wait their turn in a UNHCR camp, but rather to set sail via people smugglers to Australia?
Do you actually believe the present government has not, with its changes in policy, encouraged people to come to Australia by boat?

Here could be a point for common ground, Julia:

All the bleeding-hearts demanding free entry for everyone that came by Sea have to shoulder part of the blame. The fact that they received ample press coverage and subsequent support in Canberra has a lot to do with the change of policies.
After years of detention, prolonged by the usual hearse-chasing lawyers that lodge appeal after appeal, the populist opinion makers turned the tide against Howard's "Pacific Solution". Any Government that wanted to be elected had to relax the rules. Stupid as it may have been in hindsight, Labor only executed the will of the peepull, i.e. in reality give in to the opinion makers. It's quite possible that this time, it was a different mob of journos to preach mercy with the poor captives. Sad fact is though: they prevailed. And now we have the mess back again in open view, rather than hidden on some Howardian camp on a Pacific Island.

So, if we must lay blame on somebody's shoulders for the risks some refugees accept for a better life, I suggest we consider the press that sold magazines and papers with tear-jerker stories by blue-eyed idealists and advocates for free entry. Whether it's the same mob or a different group is beside the point. Claiming that it's all Labor's fault is the idiocy that gets my goat.

Yet I repeat what I said the first time: Let's pause and think WHY ARE THERE REFUGEES in the first place? It's because of militant fundamentalists of various persuasions. Part of the polarisation and escalation we witnessed this century must also be blamed on the Coalition of the Willing - including ...
I rest my case
What a tragic event which could have been avoided if Rudd had not changed the rules. His decision has cost many people their lives, Shame on him.

This is garbage, its not good people anywhere have died but they have come here presumably illegally.

They the people who died made the decision and the people smugglers are who you should be pointing your anger at more than Rudd. I the only person who just does not give a crap at all this? Complete and total apathy.

This story is sorta just a filler, just like when you see the scrolling text down the bottom of the CNN channel that says 1000 dead in Congo.
I wander why Indonesia cannot stop people putting themselves in harms way?

Indonesia is "breeding" itself into further poverty.

If anyone is to be blamed it should surely be the captain of the ship, or those responsible for taking the seekers "money".

The Labor government does not understand the consequences of the decisions they make. i.e. decisions on the run. And that apply's to NBN
BER, mining tax draft agreement, etc.

I am wondering if anything is going to change?

i think the story in this is why no action from the navy?

the boat imho should have been intercepted, the naval boat was in eyesight of the refugee boat. you cant tell me they had no idea the boat was there.

the tragedy of these deaths is obvious. i think 11 of the survivors were under 18.

what may be coming out in the future is whether it was entirely avoidable.

no one can figure out what the inaction of the navy was all about.. everyone including them fully realise the wild weather and the dangers of trying to land on christmas island..
i think the story in this is why no action from the navy?

the boat imho should have been intercepted, the naval boat was in eyesight of the refugee boat. you cant tell me they had no idea the boat was there.

the tragedy of these deaths is obvious. i think 11 of the survivors were under 18.

what may be coming out in the future is whether it was entirely avoidable.

no one can figure out what the inaction of the navy was all about.. everyone including them fully realise the wild weather and the dangers of trying to land on christmas island..

The Navy obviously new of the cyclonic weather conditions and most likely believed not even the people smugglers would be stupid enough to venture a sea trip at this time of the year. We will probably see fewer boats in the next couple of months due to the monsoon conditions and no doubt Gillard will take credit for the reduction.

How many other boats have suffered the same fate in the last couple of years, we may never know.