Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

2010 Federal Election

Who do you support?

  • Labor

    Votes: 27 12.0%
  • Liberal

    Votes: 133 59.1%
  • Neither

    Votes: 39 17.3%
  • Haven't decided yet

    Votes: 26 11.6%

  • Total voters
I am trying hard to convince myself that voting Libs is the way to go, but having a problem with not feeling embarrassed with having Tony Abbot as our future PM.

The more I hear his stop/start hesitant monologue the more I dislike the guy.

Seems like yet another election where the vote will go to to the least damaging of 2 x bad choices rather than the best of 2 x able competitors.

Wish it were more than a 2 horse race.
Have they have included government policies that have been re-badged for the election and possibly have prior funding ?
Gateway WA - Perth Airport and Freight Roads - Friday, 30 July 2010, listed as $480m but had prior federal government funding of $350m.

I am trying hard to convince myself that voting Libs is the way to go, but having a problem with not feeling embarrassed with having Tony Abbot as our future PM.
If they can't convince Australia at large they would be a better Federal Government than the incumbents, then they are a very sorry lot indeed.
Difficult election this one. Maybe policies being set out, too lazy at this time to look though so a few off the top of my head.

No internet filter, but no NBN
Paid parental leave (but hikes up tax for large companies that will be passed on)
Mental health policy

Internet filter (should be shot down by greens and libs in upper house) and NBN
ETS ewww everything goes up
Teachers pay offs
Super clinics

anyone else?
He was never going to be able to provide a good argument against Labor's broadband policy, except Labor's dismal efforts at managing anything, and that's why O'Brien concentrated on that. But then who does understand it?

Everybody wants faster broadband. But not everybody needs it. I live in a regional area and get efficient service on ADSL2+. Spending 42 billion would provide me with a speedier service that I don't need. Providing fibre optic cabling to every home is wasteful.

I think the money could be better spent elsewhere.

Ok fair enough you don't want a NBN but at least the 42 billion would actually achieve its objective of providing faster internet for all Australians using new infrastructure. The coalition policy is a 6 billion dollar white elephant, why on earth would they just not oppose the NBN all together instead of providing a 6 billion dollar waste as an alternative.
Ok fair enough you don't want a NBN but at least the 42 billion would actually achieve its objective of providing faster internet for all Australians using new infrastructure. The coalition policy is a 6 billion dollar white elephant, why on earth would they just not oppose the NBN all together instead of providing a 6 billion dollar waste as an alternative.

It's quite obvious that you don't know what you are talking about. The much vaunted initial roll out in Scottsdale Tasmania has run into hurdles. The take up rate has been much lower than expected and the base base costs for the service are about $90 per month. It's a typical Labor stuff-up.
The state government is considering making take up mandatory

Hitches and glitches for broadband rollout
Updated Thu Jul 29, 2010 ABC News

There've been promises that superfast broadband on the $43 billion National Broadband Network will push Tasmanians ahead of the pack.

The state's reputation for a slow pace of life could even be put to rest by the fast pace of the island's new broadband service.

But the network's rollout has been far from smooth, even labelled by some as a mismanaged disaster.
I am trying hard to convince myself that voting Libs is the way to go, but having a problem with not feeling embarrassed with having Tony Abbot as our future PM.

The more I hear his stop/start hesitant monologue the more I dislike the guy.

Seems like yet another election where the vote will go to to the least damaging of 2 x bad choices rather than the best of 2 x able competitors.

Wish it were more than a 2 horse race.

Seems a shame that fiscal policy is shelved and the outcome of this election may go to the most eloquent speaker.

The libs haven't dished up the constant circus acts displayed by labor and yet the libs are being ridiculed simply because Abbott doesn't have Gillard's ability to spin his way out of difficult questions.

I certainly do agree that it comes down to voting for the least damaging for our country.
It's quite obvious that you don't know what you are talking about. The much vaunted initial roll out in Scottsdale Tasmania has run into hurdles. The take up rate has been much lower than expected and the base base costs for the service are about $90 per month. It's a typical Labor stuff-up.
The state government is considering making take up mandatory

NBN is a good thing. I think it could change how we work/live. Labors mismanagement of it is the downside. If labor wasn't such a basket case at managing their projects then I think some of the policies had merit.
It's quite obvious that you don't know what you are talking about. The much vaunted initial roll out in Scottsdale Tasmania has run into hurdles. The take up rate has been much lower than expected and the base base costs for the service are about $90 per month. It's a typical Labor stuff-up.
The state government is considering making take up mandatory

The irony of your statement and ignorance is astounding, as you really have no idea do you? This is old news and Conroy now backs the NBN to be opt out rather than opt in, also the Tasmanian roll out has been on time and under budget. $90 a month, I pay $110 now for a service 1/5th the speed.
NBN is a good thing. I think it could change how we work/live. Labors mismanagement of it is the downside. If labor wasn't such a basket case at managing their projects then I think some of the policies had merit.
Many years ago I was invovled in a C3I study that found that only 4% of large projects in the world were delivered on time and on budget, so any sort of "mismanagement" attack will work regardless of who is in power and thus whoever is in opposition.

In terms of project wastage, the Defence Department certainly has a solid starnglehold on the title, and has done so under both sides of the political landscape.
I actually thought quite the opposite, i.e. that Kerry O'Brien was more benign than usual and Tony Abbott looked a total fool over the Libs' broadband policy. It's just not OK to say "oh, I'm no tech-head" and fail to be able to articulate how the plan will work.
Mr Abbott did improve later in the interview, but still was hardly convincing.
I actually was embarrassed on Abott's behalf; when he counter O'Brien's assertion of a 12Mbps peak speed noted by the opposition communications Minister with a comment about speeds "upwards of 12Mbs" I think the Lib strategists would have cringed.

Have to remain unconvinced when Abott & Hockey continually contradict each other on just the basic figures, let alone the detail of the economic plan.

This really is the election that no party will win, but one will lose.
Seems a shame that fiscal policy is shelved and the outcome of this election may go to the most eloquent speaker.

The libs haven't dished up the constant circus acts displayed by labor and yet the libs are being ridiculed simply because Abbott doesn't have Gillard's ability to spin his way out of difficult questions.

I certainly do agree that it comes down to voting for the least damaging for our country.

On the 7pm Project last night, Gillard was asked directly by Steve Price several times for a date when a Carbon Tax would be enacted. All we got was the same stupid annoying laugh and babble about committees, research, consensus and finally no earlier than 2012.

I am not for a carbon tax but this is the same non committal rubbish that we have seen since Rudd/Gillard entered office. If this is the "real julia" she looks the same as old julia to me. All talk no action. Lets just bluff our way through this for as long as we can.

I am hoping no one else sees this as her ability to spin her way out of anything.

The question Kerry O'Brien asked of Tony Abott was a doozy !

KERRY OBRIEN: Do you know what peak speed is?

TONY ABBOTT: Again, if you're gonna get me into a technical argument, I'm going to lose it, Kerry, because I'm not a tech head. But we are offering 12 and up and we think in the vast ...

KERRY O'BRIEN: But you're guaranteeing 12?

TONY ABBOTT: That's right. But in the vast majority of cases, it will be a lot more than that, a lot faster than that.

KERRY O'BRIEN: Well, are you sure about - can you really give that guarantee when you don't seem to know what peak speed is. I'll tell you what it is. It's quite an easy concept to understand. Peak speed is the best speed at which you can download material, usually when people are least likely to be using the internet, like at midnight. At other times, when there is congestion on the net, the speed will be much lower than that. So how can you say as a matter of course that the speeds your system will deliver will actually, more often than not, be much more than 12?

Bwaahahhahahahahaaaaaaaaa ........ release the hounds !
The discussion of the leaders styles is interesting. Bob Brown's pompous self-righteousness, Abbott's staccato delivery, Gillard's glib energizer-bunny waffle.

For Gillard, the Lady Macbeth simile from some commentators is not mis-placed, blood still adheres to those hands. Mr Emerson may once have drunk her contact lenses in a glass of water. A pair of glasses would complete a truer image for madame, a certain gormless policy myopia.

And of the endless blatherings and strategic girly-giggle:

It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.

Macbeth Act 5, scene 5, 19–28
N'est ce pas?
Everybody wants faster broadband, just as everyone wants faster trains and faster roads

It's a matter of affordability. This poll on suggests most people would opt out of Conroy's highspeed, high cost, fibre optic service.
Would you pay $100 per month for 60GB with the NBN's 100Mbps ultra high speed optical fibre internet?
I don't know

Yes 33% (120 votes)
No 61% (221 votes)
I don't know 6% (21 votes)
Total Votes: 362

It's only a small sample, but it is indicative.
Many years ago I was invovled in a C3I study that found that only 4% of large projects in the world were delivered on time and on budget, so any sort of "mismanagement" attack will work regardless of who is in power and thus whoever is in opposition.

BER.... WA and christian schools compared to the other states. Seemed to be a difference there.

Insulation in roofs then tearing it out again, not to mention destroying an entire industry, isn't your run of the mill mismanagement.

Bit of scrutiny considering how many govt departments and consultants we inevitably hire to over watch these programs would have been nice.
The question Kerry O'Brien asked of Tony Abott was a doozy !

KERRY OBRIEN: Do you know what peak speed is?

TONY ABBOTT: Again, if you're gonna get me into a technical argument, I'm going to lose it, Kerry, because I'm not a tech head. But we are offering 12 and up and we think in the vast ...

KERRY O'BRIEN: But you're guaranteeing 12?

TONY ABBOTT: That's right. But in the vast majority of cases, it will be a lot more than that, a lot faster than that.

KERRY O'BRIEN: Well, are you sure about - can you really give that guarantee when you don't seem to know what peak speed is. I'll tell you what it is. It's quite an easy concept to understand. Peak speed is the best speed at which you can download material, usually when people are least likely to be using the internet, like at midnight. At other times, when there is congestion on the net, the speed will be much lower than that. So how can you say as a matter of course that the speeds your system will deliver will actually, more often than not, be much more than 12?

I too felt embarrassed for Tony Abbott as he slowly strangled himself on this question.

Kerry was correct in saying that understanding Peak Speed was not a huge technical issue and in fact is at the core of why we are looking for faster broadband. I think this exchange shook Tony's credibility to the core in terms of being across the various policy areas that a PM should understand.

It will be interesting to see how he handles QANDA next week.
I too felt embarrassed for Tony Abbott as he slowly strangled himself on this question.

Kerry was correct in saying that understanding Peak Speed was not a huge technical issue and in fact is at the core of why we are looking for faster broadband. I think this exchange shook Tony's credibility to the core in terms of being across the various policy areas that a PM should understand.

It will be interesting to see how he handles QANDA next week.

Absolutely agree basilio - Labor had a great victory when Tony did not even turn uo for the announcement of the "BRO" (I am assuming this is Broadband Run Out ??) Turning point in the election IMO. A few more gaffes like this and you can put a fork in him cause he is DONE !
Everybody wants faster broadband, just as everyone wants faster trains and faster roads

It's a matter of affordability. This poll on suggests most people would opt out of Conroy's highspeed, high cost, fibre optic service.
Would you pay $100 per month for 60GB with the NBN's 100Mbps ultra high speed optical fibre internet?
I don't know

Yes 33% (120 votes)
No 61% (221 votes)
I don't know 6% (21 votes)
Total Votes: 362

It's only a small sample, but it is indicative.

That poll is rather misinforming as it makes out as if that’s the entry level pricing which isn’t the case, the median broadband price in Australia would probably be about $50 a month so naturally a poll that insinuates that the average Australian would need to pay double is going to suggest no. The entry level plan is $30 which is obviously affordable to any existing broadband user. Now people such as yourself will argue that most people wont require 100mbps but the internet is evolving, websites are requiring greater bandwidth and just as the transition from dial up to ADSL1 took place the same needs to happen from copper to fibre.