Hello all, pretty new to posting on these forums but plan to try to contribute more regularly.
I have been passively watching CCP for a few months and have finally had a quick look at their numbers. The thing that struck me was the company's impressive cash flow generation and conservative capital expenditure. Free cash flow, not accounting earnings, is what determines the true value of a company. Credit Corp has also demonstrated in the past that it can reinvest this cash at a high rate of return on equity. Here is my first look Discounted Cash Flow calculation based on very conservative numbers. I didn't read into any reports too far so my results could be WILDLY exaggerated.
- Free Cash Flow (from FY09 Results Presentation): $44,300,000.
- Assumed no growth whatsoever.
- Discount rate (plucked it out of my head...its pretty conservative): 16%
Based on the numbers above CCP should be trading with a market cap of $276,875,000 and a stock price of $6.25.
Today it closed at $1.90 with a market cap of $84,090,200.
I will definitely be researching this stock further.
It's only 12 months ago dooms slayer said the company going down the toilet, quick cut your loss and get out
Make sure you read their direct debit account number, when you look at their book and number of the people sign up to pay off their debt