Seeing as the Liberal vs Labor thread was going a bit off the rails I've decided to start a new thread.
For starters I couldnt care less about politics and neither do most people I associate with. To me there is hardly any difference between the 2 main parties....althoughIi guess if I did vote I would vote Liberal...based on economic management.
I wont enrol to vote! (I have been eligable to for nearly 7 years now) I have never got any fine or anything like that.
But why should i be forced to line up (waste my time) and then vote for someone who I hate. I am yet to see a single politician that I like...really
I know some people have to vote in order to keep the democracy going but why force people who dont give a s*#t, to line up and randomly tick boxes or do a donkey vote?
For starters I couldnt care less about politics and neither do most people I associate with. To me there is hardly any difference between the 2 main parties....althoughIi guess if I did vote I would vote Liberal...based on economic management.
I wont enrol to vote! (I have been eligable to for nearly 7 years now) I have never got any fine or anything like that.
But why should i be forced to line up (waste my time) and then vote for someone who I hate. I am yet to see a single politician that I like...really
I know some people have to vote in order to keep the democracy going but why force people who dont give a s*#t, to line up and randomly tick boxes or do a donkey vote?