Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

American businesswoman thrown in jail in Saudi Arabia

20 December 2007
I just saw this headline. An American businesswoman was thrown in jail for having a coffee at Starbuck's and working alongside a male colleague on the net. They had suffered a temporary power outage at their business, so naturally, they popped down the street to Starbuck's to get online in the net cafe. Men, with long beards, dressed in white, entered, hauled her off to jail, strip searched her, interrogated her, and eventually led her before a judge who declared that she was a "sinner, and would burn in hell!" Can you believe this stupidity? Had her husband not had connections to get her released, God only knows how long she would have been held!
Well, if you don't want to be strip searched for having coffee with someone who's not your husband, don't do it!

She was going to sin for sure! I think they did her a favour by preventing her infidelity.

I hope the guy was hauled away and had his willy chopped off too...

Perhaps there should be laws like that in Christian/secular countries as well. It'd save a lot of divorces I reckon.
Well, if you don't want to be strip searched for having coffee with someone who's not your husband, don't do it!

She was going to sin for sure! I think they did her a favour by preventing her infidelity.

I hope the guy was hauled away and had his willy chopped off too...

Perhaps there should be laws like that in Christian/secular countries as well. It'd save a lot of divorces I reckon.

Thats a good point which i'd like to see adopted here lol
don't know whether it would occur considering civil libertarians these days
Thats a good point which i'd like to see adopted here lol
don't know whether it would occur considering civil libertarians these days
I think Australian women would love it! They much prefer to be home making babies with a chain to the sink. Best to keep the uncovered meat locked up!!

Sharia Law for Australia!!!!
I think Australian women would love it! They much prefer to be home making babies with a chain to the sink. Best to keep the uncovered meat locked up!!

Sharia Law for Australia!!!!

Are you guys for real. It takes two to tango. Maybe if guys got their willys cut off for playing the field there would be less marriages. HA!:mad:
Are you guys for real. It takes two to tango. Maybe if guys got their willys cut off for playing the field there would be less marriages. HA!:mad:
I'm so serious about this issue I'm thinking of forming a political party based on Sharia Law for Australia. It's the only way we're going to get our values back to the standard of the 6th century!
I bet if the Suadis didnt have so much Oil that this wouldnt even make the news.

Scary thing is these guys spend big building Schools etc with their petro dollars all over the world, no doubt preaching this Wahhabism to all that will listen.
Another case of visiting another country with "sovereign" laws and identity... Don't go to the country if you are not prepared too abide by their laws and cultural rules! (Same goes for our country!)
Maybe the buisnesswoman wasn't savvy enough to read a copy of the CIA's publicly available "Worldbook" or a "Lonely planet guide" or similar, or even think of getting some travel advice. (I feel for her, but she was in a foreign country.)
Just so it's understood, Their year is closer to 1400 than 2000. They cannot understand many things about our culture either...

The bearded ones you refer to agro were the "religious police", they scared the crap out of my mate and I when they arrived with a screech and about half a dozen jumped out of their GMC pickups and all these guys literally flew out of a coffe bar with 2 caught at the time. (We were sat on a step in Riyadh waiting for the deli/711 to re-open after prayer time, my first day in Saudi'...)
And now I see the Anglican Archbishop in England is suggesting Sharia law be introduced in the UK. I can only think of three possibilities with this man:-
1) He is trying to create a 21st century Crusade by dividing England, and create resentment on a mega scale. Then he has an excuse to Nuke the bastards.
2) He is a complete nutter idiot moron, and a traitor to his own religion and culture.
3) He is a headline grabber.... anything for attention.
If it's (2), then maybe his willy should be cut off to keep company with his balls, because they obviously were removed some time ago.
And if it's (3), then ditto to (2).
If it's (1), then as Homer whould say.... whoaaaa
And now I see the Anglican Archbishop in England is suggesting Sharia law be introduced in the UK. I can only think of three possibilities with this man:-
1) He is trying to create a 21st century Crusade by dividing England, and create resentment on a mega scale. Then he has an excuse to Nuke the bastards.
2) He is a complete nutter idiot moron, and a traitor to his own religion and culture.
3) He is a headline grabber.... anything for attention.
If it's (2), then maybe his willy should be cut off to keep company with his balls, because they obviously were removed some time ago.
And if it's (3), then ditto to (2).
If it's (1), then as Homer whould say.... whoaaaa
Yep, I heard this news item. Unbelievable.
So, Kennas, although you're clearly mocking any possibility of Sharia Law happening here, maybe you wouldn't be so safe from such a possibility if you were in the UK. Surely his comments will be dismissed with the ridicule they deserve.
On the other hand, that element in Australia and other countries which says we can't celebrate Christmas, have Nativity Scenes etc because it might offend Muslims, would probably be pretty happy to go for this one.
Im sure if you put it to a vote to Muslims living in the West the vast majority would reject the notion as ridiculous, I mean lobbing off heads for adultery and lobbing off hands for stealing, there is a reason these people fled their homelands and it wasnt because they loved living there.

Yep, I heard this news item. Unbelievable.
So, Kennas, although you're clearly mocking any possibility of Sharia Law happening here, maybe you wouldn't be so safe from such a possibility if you were in the UK. Surely his comments will be dismissed with the ridicule they deserve.
On the other hand, that element in Australia and other countries which says we can't celebrate Christmas, have Nativity Scenes etc because it might offend Muslims, would probably be pretty happy to go for this one.
Julia, I think all our laws should be based on the schitzophrenic illusions of a 6th century warlord. The world would be a much better, fairer, equitable place.....:)

If this Christain leader really said these things, his job is up for grabs...
Im sure if you put it to a vote to Muslims living in the West the vast majority would reject the notion as ridiculous, I mean lobbing off heads for adultery and lobbing off hands for stealing, there is a reason these people fled their homelands and it wasnt because they loved living there.


Sharia is already practised and used within communities in the UK (it is not only for beheading and removal of hands...), and more than likely in Australia too...

People leave countries due to war and other violence etc. (Sorry to be so obvious)

Consider those immigrants with "evangelical" pursuit who want to change the (infidel's) world? :eek:

When the numbers have been bred into certain areas (parlimentary and council seats), and the demographic has changed; :fan

Fundamentalists scare the crap out of me, regardless of their persuasion...
Federal Opposition Leader Brendan Nelson says under no circumstances would he support Australia recognising Sharia law.

Dr Nelson's comments came after Britain's Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams said he believed the adoption of certain aspects of Sharia (Islamic) law in the UK was unavoidable.

Dr Williams said British Muslims could choose to have marital disputes or financial matters dealt with in a Sharia court.

But Dr Nelson says everyone who comes to Australia should accept the existing laws.

"The idea that in some way you would change your basic values, culture and law to accommodate some people who feel that they don't want to see themselves as Australians first, above all else - under no circumstances would I support that," he said.

hehe I can just imagine what would happen if a minority group tried to introduce Sharia or similar here :cool:
This thing about Sharia crap needs to be knocked on the head, killed, blown out of the water, before it gets really stupid.,25197,23179523-2702,00.html

Absolutely ridiculous, stupid, dumbass. Obviously the only reason newspapers publish this sort of crap is to incite people.

There is simply no argument in favour of this other than what kennas said. Maybe the 6th century was a happier time, not.

The arguments against this concept are so numerous that its hardly worth arguing with these people. Waste of time! Having said that, if these effwits ever get their way, does it also mean that I could shop around for the law that gives me the best outcome. So we should have lots of different laws, for "normal stock standard law" people, for jews, for muslims, for indigineous people, for sporty people, for geeks, even for bikies. All I need to do is change my clothese to match which law I want. Think of how many more lawyers we would need to administer this - I know, an employment generating idea - now there's a pleasant thought.

Aargh. Kill off this debate now.:ald:
We are being taken for the ride.

Not long ago Centerlink top fellow defended payments to 4 women with children as single mothers with children in Housing Commission houses while their Muslim husband was on Centerlink pension setting up vegetable shop.

In short he condoned polygamy saying it is not his job to determine if anybody in Australia has more than one wife.

Like it or not they are here and they do what they want, wether we like it or not.

Here are arranged marriages, and few other things and nobody is chasing it until there is complaint, so what is it?

Not their customs and law under our noses?
saudi society is rubbish and the sooner we break our dependence on oil and cut these psychos loose the better. their wahaabi sect of islam is pretty much the most fundamentalist and barbaric of the bunch and because of the saudis massive influence (read: $$$) they finance a lot of the islamic expansion into europe, including the planned largest mosque in the northern hemisphere smack bang in the middle of london.

in australia we have a very diverse range of muslims from both the middle east and southeast asia (particularly turkey and lebanon), and our entry conditions are strict and focused on the skilled and educated, giving us more reasonable individuals. of course there are exceptions like al-hilaly and keysar trad, but even they are calm voices of moderation compared to the fire and brimstone preached by the wahaabi.

western europe is headed for a period of severe racial strife and i'm thinking self managed ethnic / religious enclaves will become the norm in major euro cities
Disarray, you've hit the nail squarely right on the head. I agree 100% about your comment on oil. For all sorts of reasons the world must move on past digging up oil. What amazes me is the yanks havn't worked this out yet. Hence they have got themselves (and the rest of us) into a helluva situation in the middle east. If they had taken all the money (how many trillions???)they spent on the military fighting wars to protect oil assets, and put it into developing alternate technology to oil, we probably would have solved the energy technology problems by now.

Yes, whether we like it or not, racial/religous problems are on the increase in Europe. The bleeding hearts in Europe have let the genie out of the bottle, and he's a bloody big green one that probably will not be stopped without lots of red stuff.
And now I see the Anglican Archbishop in England is suggesting Sharia law be introduced in the UK. I can only think of three possibilities with this man:-
1) He is trying to create a 21st century Crusade by dividing England, and create resentment on a mega scale. Then he has an excuse to Nuke the bastards.
2) He is a complete nutter idiot moron, and a traitor to his own religion and culture.
3) He is a headline grabber.... anything for attention.
If it's (2), then maybe his willy should be cut off to keep company with his balls, because they obviously were removed some time ago.
And if it's (3), then ditto to (2).
If it's (1), then as Homer whould say.... whoaaaa

You obviously haven't read the article. He isn't advocate nutty Taliban style rules, he is talking about the use of some concepts of sharia law in divorce settlements.

Hardly dragging an entire country back to the 6th century :rolleyes:
***edited for brevity***
western europe is headed for a period of severe racial strife and i'm thinking self managed ethnic / religious enclaves will become the norm in major euro cities
After 5 odd years from the mid 90's working in and around Europe, I couldn't agree more disarray...

When us "Westerners" go to "their" countries we have to obey local rules and customs or suffer the consequences. Our "Great expectations and good intentions" will find us a long way up the creek sans paddle.

This thread is but an example or "drop in the ocean" of an exceedingly difficult topic that will come to test our deepest ideals...