Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Retirement-Semi Retirement, (Tech/a personal study) implementation and discussion

It's not for everyone, but like you said 'it's another way of life to look at'.

Nemeth, now 56 and single, doesn’t own her own home or any property. Nor does she receive welfare payments or have any savings, a generous benefactor or a secret stash of emergency cash.

Perfect. The government can organise and have half the people on social welfare benefits, including the homeless, to go live in country communities that require labour but can't afford to pay for it.

We can get all our small run-down towns repaired, painted and maintained by an army city long term welfare dependent and the homeless. Give them a sense of purpose and meaning to their life, while not having to worry about the day-to-day grind of money and saving for retirement.

For the first three years, Nemeth lived on a friend’s farm, where she built a small shack from discarded building materials before doing some housesitting and living off-grid for a year in a “little blue wagon” in another friend’s back yard. Then, in 2018, she moved into Brodie’s house full-time; it’s now a multigenerational home that includes Brodie’s new partner and one of her sons, Nemeth’s daughter Amy, Amy’s husband and their three small children.
Instead of paying rent, Nemeth cooks, cleans, manages the veggie garden and makes items such as soap, washing powder and fermented foods to save the household money and reduce its environmental footprint. And she couldn’t be happier.
“I love being at home and I love the challenge of meeting our needs without money – it’s like a game.”
It's a win-win for everyone. The tax payer, the homeless, the alternative life-style people, the town and its people, the country, my superannuation, society.
the only problem with that is more than half the people i would wish to live like that are already in Government or have a career there , it would be a hard sell to get the correct people living a realistic life-style outside of the ivory towers .

but is SHE is content then good for her
It isn't a bad life, I know people who live in a share house and the only money they have is welfare, it isn't for everyone but some enjoy it.
I also know others who could be on a disability pension, but prefer to go to work and struggle to make ends meet, everyone's different and one size doesn't fit all.
As long as they are happy with their choices, that's the main thing.
You will have nothing but be happy, living like a leech on the taxpayers..
And probably asking for a pension and welfare increase because of inflation.
Going as far as being a leech to her own each his her own
Only the Guardian with such role models...
living like a leech on the taxpayers..

I don't like that terminology. There are a myriad reasons why people live on welfare. Sure there are some who 'take advantage' , but it is surely a pretty miserable bloody existence. Our country is fair and the price of this is a few hangers on. We don't want someone like that orange criminal turd making decisions on welfare.
My brother in law has lived on a medical pension for a very long time and with good reason. He was a bloody hard worker when he could. At least he is not scrounging through rubbish bins for food to stay alive. Or dying of cancer and can't afford medicine.
living like a leech on the taxpayers..

I don't like that terminology. There are a myriad reasons why people live on welfare. Sure there are some who 'take advantage' , but it is surely a pretty miserable bloody existence. Our country is fair and the price of this is a few hangers on. We don't want someone like that orange criminal turd making decisions on welfare.
My brother in law has lived on a medical pension for a very long time and with good reason. He was a bloody hard worker when he could. At least he is not scrounging through rubbish bins for food to stay alive. Or dying of cancer and can't afford medicine.

Don’t make it bigger than what it is, or about anyone from another country.

Qldfrog is only talking about those that are leaching off of others, he is not saying that every single person on some level of welfare is a leach.
Some don't have a choice through no real fault of their own.
But we all know masses who choose the "Give Me Everything'' path

I can't believe the Poor choices some people make very early on.
It is invariably these people who become the "Give Me Everything

Hanging with Idiots
Marrying early 16-20
Having kids lots of them
Staying attached to Toxic parents.
Financing junk to impress others doing the same thing.

Short-term gain long-term F*cked.
Warning. Rant ahead.
Just my observation, thoughts and with regards specifically to the homeless and their choice of retiring to a life on the streets.
We have a couple that frequent the back of our store. I've a story or two to tell but not here.

With the vast array of support that is available, some still choose to continue sleeping on the streets. Wandering aimlessly, sponging of those of us who pay for their lifestyle/retirement choice.

Yes, I understand there's probably a myriad of factors of why the homeless chose or are forced onto that path. Not all stay on it though but those that do, I just don't get it.

I look back to a time in my teenage years when I necessitated to live out of my car, thankfully I still had a first years apprentice job but on those wages, life sure looked bleak.

Fish shop chips (20c worth) in between two slices of bread, smothered in vegemite was often b/fast and the evening meal. That was over a three month period where I saved and skimped and just didn't go out, pissing money up against the urinal wall. That saved money help me secure a room at a boarding house.

That time was also the seeds to learning a tad, nay, a sh*t ton more about "money".

So I just don't get why in this day and age, why anyone would want to live it large out on the streets, subject to all the vagrancies of our weather and not-so-likeable characters.

I really do think that we as a society, should do more in getting the homeless to contribute instead of being a burden.

One this is for sure, I can't image that lifestyle and quality of retirement!

FWIW, I did have a squiz at this NSW homeless site.
Warning. Rant ahead.
Just my observation, thoughts and with regards specifically to the homeless and their choice of retiring to a life on the streets.
We have a couple that frequent the back of our store. I've a story or two to tell but not here.

With the vast array of support that is available, some still choose to continue sleeping on the streets. Wandering aimlessly, sponging of those of us who pay for their lifestyle/retirement choice.

Yes, I understand there's probably a myriad of factors of why the homeless chose or are forced onto that path. Not all stay on it though but those that do, I just don't get it.

I look back to a time in my teenage years when I necessitated to live out of my car, thankfully I still had a first years apprentice job but on those wages, life sure looked bleak.

Fish shop chips (20c worth) in between two slices of bread, smothered in vegemite was often b/fast and the evening meal. That was over a three month period where I saved and skimped and just didn't go out, pissing money up against the urinal wall. That saved money help me secure a room at a boarding house.

That time was also the seeds to learning a tad, nay, a sh*t ton more about "money".

So I just don't get why in this day and age, why anyone would want to live it large out on the streets, subject to all the vagrancies of our weather and not-so-likeable characters.

I really do think that we as a society, should do more in getting the homeless to contribute instead of being a burden.

One this is for sure, I can't image that lifestyle and quality of retirement!

FWIW, I did have a squiz at this NSW homeless site.

Seriously wondering about the perception that homeless people prefer living rough than in a warm, clean comfortable house.
Talking about "all the support that is available " . Sorry but that is just not realistic or correct.

The facts of life in our society are quite simple. If you can't pay enough money to rent or buy a home you don't get to live in one.
Ok there is Emergency housing. Short term , desperate. Almost always for women and children.

Public Housing ? Yes it's there but these days very limited and waiting lists are years out.

If you lose your job. If you can't get a job. If your job pays xhit wages or is only 10 hours a week.
If you fall ill. Get hurt. Get upset. Get thrown out of a relationship for any reason.

You can rapidly become homeless.
If you don't have a family or friends who help out with a spare room or a couch it doesn't take long to be living in car.
I posted the story of a woman who recreated her life without money. She created a network of friends, relationships and hard graft which sees her comfortable but without the financial structure almost all of us need to have to achieve the same result.
One of the interesting parts of the story is that she feels more secure with her situation now than when she lived in the structured society roles that required a paid job, ownership of property, involvement in the financial world we all see as essential.

Can anyone remember the not too distant past ? When it was crime to be poor and homeless ?

There were specific laws called "Being with insufficient lawful means of support " I was just reading a book today and in Ballarat in 1955 Jack Morone died in jail (cerebral hemorrhage) midway through a 6 month sentence for "having insufficient lawful means of support." 1/

The English Vagrancy Act was introduced to drive people off the streets .

1/ An Orphans Escape. Frank Golding page 130
Seriously wondering about the perception that homeless people prefer living rough than in a warm, clean comfortable house.
Talking about "all the support that is available " . Sorry but that is just not realistic or correct.
There's a few here that have access to among other things, assistance for housing but choose as in "prefer", to lounge in the back lanes drinking away their dole money.

One in particular that I have to constantly tell to move on so I can gain access to the garage door where I work, then has the audacity to harass shoppers at the local shopping centres, begging for money.
My partner used to give this individual what little she could spare until she realised that this homeless person is nothing more than a parasitic leech.
Sorry, my/our empathy meter is way below empty regarding this individual.

This is just from my POV, it's what I see locally and what is related to me by some very close mental health clinical professionals.
I do understand that many of these individuals face hardships and/or have health problems. As I say most do seek and accept help.

For those that don't, well, enough has already been said.

Sorry and apologies @tech/a for derailing your retirement thread.
There's a few here that have access to among other things, assistance for housing but choose as in "prefer", to lounge in the back lanes drinking away their dole money.

One in particular that I have to constantly tell to move on so I can gain access to the garage door where I work, then has the audacity to harass shoppers at the local shopping centres, begging for money.
My partner used to give this individual what little she could spare until she realised that this homeless person is nothing more than a parasitic leech.
Sorry, my/our empathy meter is way below empty regarding this individual.

This is just from my POV, it's what I see locally and what is related to me by some very close mental health clinical professionals.
I do understand that many of these individuals face hardships and/or have health problems. As I say most do seek and accept help.

For those that don't, well, enough has already been said.

Sorry and apologies @tech/a for derailing your retirement thread.

Totally understand Craton.
When something or someone is under our nose and it stinks then generally speaking we tend to generalise.
There is no doubt that some people are in the category you see and mention.

I was looking at the bigger picture however and in 2025 in Australia I reckon half of the population is about 4 paycheques from homelessness.

Not hard to figure that one out. In fact the Morrison government recognised it very quickly during COVID when they doubled unemployment benefits to ensure the hundreds of thousands of people who were stood down could still hold a home and a life. Interestingly enough this was the first time that people previously on benefits were actually able to live reasonably rather than scrape for every buck.

I bring this up because it goes back to having a sense of security in retirement if you own your house, have some rainy day money in the bank and are confident that your pensions or investments will hit your account every month. Also knowing that is you fall sick Australia has National Health system that does work and won't bankrupt you. I think that is luxury.
So 2008 Im in Hawaii with a few friends.
I smoked back then and you could not smoke in the Hotel and 20 meters away outside.

Everytime I was around to have a smoke there was this homeless guy hanging around on the board walk.

I ended up flicking him a smoke and over the 2 weeks got to know him quite well. He was a big surprise.

Ex Viet vet he wore a distinctive T shirt. I don't remember his name but I do remember his T shirt.

The front was printed with the Front page of a newspaper and read Tourist taken by Shark. That was the headline
The back was the story. Heaps stopped to talk about the T shirt.

I learned this homeless guy was a real pro street. Locals knew him --police knew him ---tourists easy prey.
He had guitar case with the usual " Ï need a beer help me out sign " Viet vet.
people including me left coin and a few bucks everytime I saw him .

This guy was good. Id watch him walk up and down the street stopping anyone who he could get to read his shirt and had shopping bags --TOURISTS. I remember he looked a lot like Dean Martin and he had a silver tongue. He stopped mostly groups of women who had been spending up. designer bags everywhere. He get them reading the T shirt and answering a million questions.

All the while bags were being lifted Opened wallets and purses lifted and even whole bags gone as he moved through crowds when busy.
He was good.

I saw him lift a guys wallet and he turned and saw Id seen it. I shook my head and he caught up to him and put it back!!!!

After around 10 days he knew I knew so he opened up a bit when he could see I wouldnt rat on him.
It was his living
$500 US was his target and he said he always got it.So he did really well. he didn't own a guitar!

So that homeless guy may not be what he seems.

We left him about $50 in coin when we left .
Have been back 3 times since but he's gone!

Maybe a retirement plan!
Today is week one of my transition into Semi Retirement. I have put people and Systems in place to move into a 3 day week
Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday. Being self-employed it has always been my intention to continue in some capacity in
my own company and I think that 3 days is the absolute minimum that would be beneficial to both the company and myself.

Financially I am ok and can travel freely, meet all commitments and increase my net wealth even if fully retired to the age of 95
which is how long my father lasted I am 71. Time and freedom along with RELEVANCE are my current goals ....
Good evening @tech/a
Just checking on ya and how its all going approx. 2 months down the road from decision to pull back and probably doing some more for youself and family... ??

Kind regards
Greetings rcw1 and all.

Has been a bit of an adjustment; it took 3 weeks!

People have stepped up and taken more responsibility across the spectrum of the work force
making my transition easier. Still, there is enough in the 3 days I work to make it interesting on some
excellent projects. Have started handing out some $$ for those who have really stepped up.
Worth the investment for me. At this age and in my position there isn't a better commodity
for me to invest in.

Arranged some longer trips in June/July
Getting to some home chores I've been un able to attend to.

Great to get back into some training. Jogging and on the bike.
Want to work up to some semi-serious ks.
Greetings rcw1 and all.

Has been a bit of an adjustment; it took 3 weeks!

People have stepped up and taken more responsibility across the spectrum of the work force
making my transition easier. Still, there is enough in the 3 days I work to make it interesting on some
excellent projects. Have started handing out some $$ for those who have really stepped up.
Worth the investment for me. At this age and in my position there isn't a better commodity
for me to invest in.

Arranged some longer trips in June/July
Getting to some home chores I've been un able to attend to.

Great to get back into some training. Jogging and on the bike.
Want to work up to some semi-serious ks.
If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?
If you don’t mind me asking, how old are you?

Comparatively young still

I haven’t been around here lately so missed the thread and haven’t had time to read it fully till now. Great to see it is all working out for you. @tech/a and I had similar businesses and I remember sitting on the patio at home in the early 90’s comparing notes as well as discussing our different share trading methods.

Because we wanted to extensively travel on retirement, we decided to sell up and drive off into the sunset.
Just run in 🙂
we can only hope to continue being an appreciating asset.
I figure if I keep putting the good stuff in the old grey mare will keep at it
Never had a glass of wine
Never had a coffee
Smoked to 55 with 7 years off at 28 ( should never started again!)
Never Ben into drugs
Too many bad women
One great one!
Love humour

People around me dropping like flies
Last one 52!
Don’t sweat the small stuff
Don’t suffer fools.
