As of 2020 July 15, Wednesday current price of BTC is $9258.740 according to exchange platform data. And their data indicates that the asset price has been in a downtrend for the past 1 year. It is a good time to purchase BTC.
I use , you transfer money then buy bitcoin..easyis it just a matter of going somewhere like coin base or other exchange, and easily enough buying a PART of a bitcoin, say 1k? it' s not like currency where you gotta use leverage right, but more like a share (no debt)?
Btc has been faring quite well this year as i see itEther a solid breakout over 400? Or another headfake?
I've got BTC as well, but Ether seems to be leading the price action of late.Btc has been faring quite well this year as i see it
Ether a solid breakout over 400? Or another headfake?
The Bitcoin algorithm demands increasing amounts of computational power to validate transactions. If it were a country, its annualized estimated carbon footprint would be comparable to New Zealand at about 37 million tons of carbon dioxide. One Bitcoin transaction would generate the CO2 equivalent to 706,765 swipes of a Visa credit card, according to Digiconomist’s closely-followed index, albeit with none of the convenience of plastic. Add in Bitcoin’s primary use as a speculative instrument and the frequent regulatory warnings it draws, and it’s hard to imagine it ever scoring high on ESG.Bloomberg - Are you a robot?
“Even in spite of the growing availability of privacy coins like Monero and Zcash, criminals continue to use Bitcoin because of the abundance of Bitcoin-to-fiat offramps. Banks and money service businesses should pay attention to high-risk transactions originating from BATMs that lack proper AML compliance.”
But the return on the stock market is so low and slow now on blue chips. That is why trading indices etc is far better.In a very real sense, all investing and trading is gambling. Even if you buy a blue chip for the long term, you are simply betting it will go up. You could be right, you could be wrong. Blue chips are simply the favourites while speccies are the long shots that pay out better. It's all still betting on an uncertain outcome. So, in the end it's just gambling. There are good gamblers and bad gamblers, just like there are good investors and bad investors.
Nothing wrong with having a punt.![]()
"transfer them to a physical usb ledger", or something like that... can u explain what's happening here?I use , you transfer money then buy bitcoin..easy
During that phase, you are exposed if the exchange collapses or get hacked, so once you have bought your bitcoin, i i recomme you transfer them to a usb ledger, a physical one
Start with a small amount and imho, do not bet the farm on this would be my "advice"
There is no bitcoin bitcoin if you loose your key password etc...or transfer to the wrong person.
It is still a non user friendly pretty technical environment
indeed, it is VERY easy to "buy" bitcoins and crypto currencies on BTC market or any other platform, but you do not have any key, you just buy and sell them, if anyone get into your account (finding your password or hacking into the platform, they can then transfer your crypto currencies (steal them) this has happened in other platforms in the past and what can you do then?"transfer them to a physical usb ledger", or something like that... can u explain what's happening here?
i buy it and i get a key/password that i use . my coins are in the blockchain system right, rather than on a drive? can i write down the password and hide it?
i guess old investors aren't too keen, but we're investing cause we think it's a great technology that should be adopted in the future
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