Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ASF COVID-19 infection thread


I'll be back!
28 July 2004
ASF members, post here if you get infected with the coronavirus.

I'm hearing mixed stories about how bad this thing actually is. It would be interesting to hear some first hand accounts.

I don't know anyone who has been infected but they are saying that the rate of infection in Australia is about to explode. Time will tell.
This might be a good thread to find out in what circumstances one should go and get themselves tested.

It sounds like the coronavirus for someone with a healthy immune system would probably not be unlike many other little infections one might get.

For instance both wife and I have a little bit of a scratchy throat at the moment and a very mild insignificant cough, but have not had any contact with any infected person that we could possibly know of.

There must be several concurrent infections that one could have apart from coronavirus... So when should one suspect when should one go get themselves tested?
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This might be a good thread to find out in what circumstances one should go and get themselves tested.

It sounds like the coronavirus for someone with a healthy immune system would probably not be unlike many other little infections one might get.

For instance both wife and I have a little bit of a scratchy throat at the moment and a very mild insignificant cough, but have not had any contact with any infected person that we could possibly know of.

There must be several concurrent infections that one could have apart from coronavirus... So when should one suspect when should one go get themselves tested?
I suppose the thing is, if you are infected and don't know it, keeping a safe distance from people and being carefull with personal hygene is all you can do. If the symptoms get worse than a mild cold, you would get tested, like you I have a bit of a snuffly nose and the wife is coughing a bit, but it isn't getting worse so we are just monitoring it.
I wonder how much is psychosomatic, due to being very focused on the symptoms, due to the virus issue?
I suppose the thing is, if you are infected and don't know it, keeping a safe distance from people and being carefull with personal hygene is all you can do. If the symptoms get worse than a mild cold, you would get tested, like you I have a bit of a snuffly nose and the wife is coughing a bit, but it isn't getting worse so we are just monitoring it.
I wonder how much is psychosomatic, due to being very focused on the symptoms, due to the virus issue?
The psychosomatic angle did cross my mind. It is certainly true that we are more acutely aware of any symptoms at all.
ASF members, post here if you get infected with the coronavirus.

I'm hearing mixed stories about how bad this thing actually is. It would be interesting to hear some first hand accounts.

I don't know anyone who has been infected but they are saying that the rate of infection in Australia is about to explode. Time will tell.

I would suggest it has already exploded, and we're not testing enough to know the true state of play.

Once we have an antibody test, we'll know a lot more.
and with autumn coming, we will all get colds when should you run to your GP instead of just taking a rum and honey evening cap
I'm almost certainly going to cop it as I work in two factories with a thousand people in each.

Good thing we didn't end up passing that $7 doctors' fee policy in 2014 :)
ASF members, post here if you get infected with the coronavirus.

I'm hearing mixed stories about how bad this thing actually is. It would be interesting to hear some first hand accounts.
Daughter is on a plane from OS, arriving tomorrow. She knows she's up for 14 days self isolation.

She was in low risk Asian country but stayed with a friend whose colleague exhibited symptoms. Was forced into isolation there, until Test came back; negative ... but we'll see.
I've got something....
Young kids mean I'll pick up whatever's out there first. Damn little germ bags.

Started off with fatigue. I went too heavy with the weights the other week and knocked my immune system. So don't overtrain.

Felt very slightly off all last week.
Thursday just gone, lost all my strength and had to cut all weights by half for the workout.

Friday felt clammy, throat felt funny, slight fever, pain in kidneys, fatigue, trouble breathing that night. Breathing wasn't a major thing, just like I wasn't getting enough oxygen with each breath. So started breathing faster.

Saturday had a nap. Just felt slightly off.
Sunday slightly off. Started very minor coughing at night. Slight congestion on chest.

Today breathing difficulties slightly more noticeable. Other wise I feel fine.
Still managing to work around the house and yard without difficulties. Family is all in lockdown till we work out what it is. Two sons have it the younger ones seem fine.
Wife, I may need to cough on her more.

I feel fine despite what I posted above.
I've got something....
Young kids mean I'll pick up whatever's out there first. Damn little germ bags.

Started off with fatigue. I went too heavy with the weights the other week and knocked my immune system. So don't overtrain.

Felt very slightly off all last week.
Thursday just gone, lost all my strength and had to cut all weights by half for the workout.

Friday felt clammy, throat felt funny, slight fever, pain in kidneys, fatigue, trouble breathing that night. Breathing wasn't a major thing, just like I wasn't getting enough oxygen with each breath. So started breathing faster.

Saturday had a nap. Just felt slightly off.
Sunday slightly off. Started very minor coughing at night. Slight congestion on chest.

Today breathing difficulties slightly more noticeable. Other wise I feel fine.
Still managing to work around the house and yard without difficulties. Family is all in lockdown till we work out what it is. Two sons have it the younger ones seem fine.
Wife, I may need to cough on her more.

I feel fine despite what I posted above.
It sounds as though you are young and fit, so even if you have the virus it shouldn't present a problem for you, the issue is probably more of you passing it on to older or sick people.
So if I P.M my address, make sure you stay well away. :eek:
Fever seems to be consistent with most diagnosis how is you temperature Mo.........asks Doctor Ifoucs.....

Take care.
Have you been tested?
No. Didn't want to rock up to a doctors waiting room in case. I'll probably organise to go tomorrow. They have drive through testing here but you need a referral.

Been in self isolation since Thursday.
Forgot to mention the diarrhea. Nothing major, unless you run out of toilet paper.

Might just be normal flu. It's pretty mild whatever it is.
Fever seems to be consistent with most diagnosis how is you temperature Mo.........asks Doctor Ifoucs.....

Take care.
Did have elevated levels on Friday /Saturday.
It's hard to tell for me because I'm always running hot. Generally I'm the guy in shorts and t-shirt during winter.
Oh the irony of me getting it first off the block if I do test positive.

To tell you the truth I went out in crowds, touched my face, ate with dirty hands and generally didn't care. One of my germy kids sneezed in my mouth at one stage. I snore dribbled all over my partners head last week so she probably has it as well.
Qué será, será