Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

What should journalism be about?

30 June 2008
We all get our information about the world from various media sources. Newspaper, TV, Cable, on line papers , Farcebook..

We know there are different views of what is happening. What do we think journalism should be about ?
I'm posting a Q&A interview with the Editor of The Guardian outlining their philosophy and approach as a kick off. If anyone can find a similar document from other media sources or wants to add something..

Q&A with Katharine Viner: 'Journalists and readers share a vital stake in our future'
The Guardian’s editor-in-chief discusses the paper’s unique funding model, and explains why she believes journalism can tackle inequality by connecting with its readers

Thu 21 Feb 2019 02.48 AEDT Last modified on Thu 21 Feb 2019 15.26 AEDT


Katharine Viner: ‘Hope consists of believing you have the power to change things for the better.’ Photograph: Linda Nylind/The Guardian
Katharine Viner, the Guardian’s editor-in-chief, reflects on the increasing inequality and fragmentation in our society, the far-reaching effects of austerity, and why the Guardian is making it its mission to seek out truth and use clarity and imagination to build hope. She also discusses how a pioneering business model keeps Guardian journalism entirely independent and accessible to a growing community of readers around the world.

In today’s world, in which public spaces are increasingly privatised, communities are being torn apart by inequality, division and austerity, and more people are finding information in personal, individualised networks online, what role can the Guardian play in championing the public domain?

The Guardian is committed to the public sphere in all its forms, from public space to public education and public healthcare. Like all journalists working in the public interest, we believe in holding the powerful to account; at the Guardian we also believe that good information and good journalism should be as widely available as possible.

From Guardian readers to Guardian journalists, to people who have never read the Guardian — we are all citizens and we all have a stake in the same future.

Our audience tell us that they want to ensure that more people are better informed, and that this is fundamental to the healthy functioning of democracies. They share a passion for the same issues as us – from the climate crisis to inequality to the influence of big technology companies on our lives.
And this is all what is wrong with the guardian and so many even from the other side
Katharine Viner: ‘Hope consists of believing you have the power to change things for the better.’
Journalism should be providing facts, all of them, but once you want to change the world, for the better, you apply a personal interpretation of "better"
We do not need journalism, we beed news feed and proper education of the population but with the latter missing, we end up with Pravda
So news start being biased.
Release or not stories based on that mind frame until you become a propaganda leaflet like the guardian or our abc
I understand why you like the guardian Basilio, it follows that view of journalism perfectly..but not my view... Any propaganda is bad whether it suits your conviction or not, and it is even worse in a country with mandatory voting or in dictatorship.
leveling to the lowest common denominator, a societal issue
My comments are in blue
Journalism should be providing facts, all of them, Why not lead their audience to the source of the facts, instead? And just report on the event at hand, whatever it may be. but once you want to change the world, for the better, you apply a personal interpretation of "better" That's immediately inserting a personal bias into the media outlet, and discounting whatever is being presented.
We do not need journalism, we beed news feed How are those concepts different?and proper education of the population but with the latter missing, we end up with Pravda Hmmmm... looks like some strong bias already... and we do not end up with Fox?
So news start being biased. That depends on whether you are looking at what is being reported as distinct from the commentary with it.
Release or not stories based on that mind frame until you become a propaganda leaflet like the guardian or our abc Maybe if you apply some critical thinking to what you watch, read or hear in the news the media outlet ceases to be an issue.
I understand why you like the guardian Basilio, it follows that view of journalism perfectly..but not my view... Any propaganda Leave the propaganda out and concentrate what the media outlet was reporting on. is bad whether it suits your conviction or not, and it is even worse in a country with mandatory voting or in dictatorship.
leveling to the lowest common denominator, a societal issue This is assuming people are stupid. Most are not.
In this day and age almost every event reported on will have multiple sources, so it should not be hard to find "balance". You can take the easy way out and believe every bit of conspiracy rubbish some outlets throw up, or whatever slant your favourite source of information has. The problem with that approach is that your ignorance then stands the chance of getting caught out. It's a bit like declaring a national emergency so you can build a wall, but then saying you don't have build it all at once. That is, you end up with an argument with many holes in it.
There isn't any decent journalism in Australia IMO, as frog said there are only journalists opinions on subjects, most news articles become a journalists short story.
It is up to the individual to sift there way through the garbage, to find the food. IMO
There isn't any decent journalism in Australia IMO, as frog said there are only journalists opinions on subjects, most news articles become a journalists short story.
That's making a lot of assumptions.
Various media each year have their work under the microscope at annual award presentations. Perhaps you can name or cite the award winners and their stories which were not decent.
That's making a lot of assumptions.
Various media each year have their work under the microscope at annual award presentations. Perhaps you can name or cite the award winners and their stories which were not decent.
Well a perfect example, over the past few years, has been the journalistic licensed applied to the presentation of energy related articles.
It has only been over recent times, they have approached anywhere near the true facts of the issues.
As I'm sitting in a hotel room with an antiquated 8" tablet, I won't be chasing up examples, my index finger couldn't take
Well a perfect example, over the past few years, has been the journalistic licensed applied to the presentation of energy related articles.
It has only been over recent times, they have approached anywhere near the true facts of the issues.
As I'm sitting in a hotel room with an antiquated 8" tablet, I won't be chasing up examples, my index finger couldn't take
You miss the point I made about there usually being many sources of information for the issue which concerns you..
If you think something does not seem right, then the internet of things usually has a lot of options for you to check what is being presented.
Well at least the conversation has been started.
Yes I do like The Guardian as a source of factual information and also interpretation. It covers the world, it's free, and most importantly it isn't a tool of big business, big money.

You are all aware I am a teacher and in fact originally a history teacher. I'm always aware of how difficult it is to find, define and presents facts or information or whatever. Everything is complicated. Trying to say just give me "the facts" is not simple or realistic.

It is also incredibly boring and usually meaningless. Something may have happened what what does this mean and what are the implications ?

In 2019 much of mainstream journalism is under incredible pressure from the commercial interests that own the source. That pressure shows itself in many ways
1) Be real careful about stories that might make our big advertisers look bad as companies

2) Be equally careful about stories that could make the powerful/wealthy people who run these companies look bad. (After all we the Board happen to be amongst them)

3) Make sure your stories are "popular" I don't care how you do it - just get eyeballs on the story

4) We can't afford to pay you to do investigative journalism. Stick to human interest/ crime / welfare ripoffs.. "If it bleeds, it leads.."

With that mindset why would anyone follow the reported news from most of the current media ? I suggest The Guardian with it's particular non business structure and philosophy is best suited to take a wider view of the world than The Australian, Herald Sun, and now The Age/Channel 9.

By the way did anyone read the full article or just respond to the headlines ?
Journalists can be more than impartial observers. Experts can give their opinions based on their experiences. eg A reporter would say "Person A said xxxxx", an investigative report could say "but that is bunkum because of xyz". ie they can give opinions but need the evidence to back those opinions up.
Did not know Bas, I thought you were a Concreter.
The Guardian sounds good, just how long will it last though.

But I am a concreter .. !! In fact I (like everyone else ) am lots of things..
How long will The Guardian last ? As long people who want to read, support and defend it stick around.

Otherwise Murdoch will be delighted to take it over and give it to the Foxes.:D
But I am a concreter .. !! In fact I (like everyone else ) am lots of things..
I was sure you were just another a green plant (aka basil).
And you real name was Herb.
(That's what they said about you on Fox news :cool:. Trust me.)
Why don't we get past The Guardian ? I'd be interested to hear what other sources of information people on ASF give credance to. And I would be interested to know why they believe these stories. After all the web is now brimming with stuff.:cautious:
Ok I'm going back to The Guardian as an example of high quality journalism.

What is the most profound issue that faces everyone on earth ? The most dangerous situation that could, unchecked, destroy almost all current life as we know it ?
Yep. Global Warming. Maybe it's worth seeing how The Guardian attempted to deal with this issue.

And then we could look at Fox News, Herald Sun, and the other media empires that shape our understanding of the world.

The Guardian invites you behind the scenes as we embark on a global climate change campaign
The Guardian invites you behind the scenes as we embark on a global climate change campaign

So the Guardian is on a campaign ?

i.e it's taking a side and is no longer unbiased. Is this the role of the media ?

Some would say the media should present all sides or at least allow the opposing factions to do that.

I'm not sure that the Guardian hasn't tainted its image by coming on strong for a particular view (even though I personally agree with it).
So the greatest thread is global warming, not an ounce of doubt, and propaganda match8ng in tge guardian .
To me the greatest thread is overpopulation..ooops not PC
Can not be blamed onto the bad white male westerners so .... let's forget it, turn vegan and welcome refugees.
Population growth can be sorted in one generation, and should have been
technology is here so why not should be real journalism.
Which "side" of CC are you talking about Rumpy ? The side that says it's all rubbish, that the scientists are lying crooks just out to line their pockets ? That the world isn't warming it's just meteorologists fudging the figures ?

Perhaps it's the side that says the Antarctic isn't warming or losing ice at a completely unprecedented rate. That the Arctic ice caps are just hunky dory folks. Nothing is happening here !

Global warming is a proven reality. It's continuation at the current rate will parboil our civilisation by the end of the century. The only intelligent story left is:

What are we going to do about it ?
