Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Solar Panels - Global Cooling - Apocalypse

Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
The Gumnut Scientific Trust has carried out extensive field and computer generated trials and projections on the effects of solar panels, and attributes recent episodes of Global Cooling to solar panels on Green roofs.

Prior to solar panels the suns rays hit the earth and were normally absorbed by plants and animals, and the earth.

Now they are trapped and converted in to evil electricity by solar panels.

This leads to the Global Cooling noted by the Gumnut Scientific Trust

Please email or tap on the windows of the Range Rovers of any Green councillors or members of Parliament in your area to protest at this effect on our future.

I have to drive the Arnage to Sydney next week for a service.

I hear Global Cooling has hit that city of Sin and Socialist Basketweavers.

Should I pack a doona, or bring a water bottle?

Please contact a Watermelon Green or a member of the Progressive ALP for a denial. The science is in, Sydney is cooling.

And its all due to bloody solar panels.

GG sound like you need to book your self in as well as your motor.
I would have thought that the albedo of solar panels would be rather low. As for the albedo of green, I don't know.

Greens however exhale carbon dioxide, like everybody else.
I would have thought that the albedo of solar panels would be rather low. As for the albedo of green, I don't know.

Greens however exhale carbon dioxide, like everybody else.

Exactly doc, the albedo is low but what about the BRDF?

And this is where the danger lies. As Sydney is now finding out.

I would also challenge that Greens exhale. They have never exhaled, just like Al Gore. Then again Bill Clinton never inhaled, so its probably even steven.

GG congrats on your work getting the Indian uranium deal signed and delivered and only you could have done it ans Australia is now of the hook from China it can tank and Australia will still be the lucky country.
I dare say General Custard would be spinning in his grave knowing the Indian's have this deal but that's progress.
Here's to U238
They exhale. The only question is from which orifice.

We mere mortals have to listen to it, and, at the moment, live under the influence of it.

Thankfully the tide is turning.

My ALP contacts tell me that those folk in the ALP Caucus who believe "Global Warming" is a load of codswallop will come out of the closet in the New Year in an attempt to save their seats. There will be a push amongst ALP MLA's to portray themselves as anti-mad-Green, and ten of them so far have put their hands up for the task.

So Global Cooling will become quite topical.

I do hate Solar Panels and Wind Turbines.

They are so uncouth.

I can accept the ugliness on my roof after just getting a $350 rebate for the last 2 months usage compared to a $250 bill this time last year.

You have sold your soul for environmental disaster. Will your grandchildren thank you as they shiver for the 600 bucks you have saved.

You have sold your soul for environmental disaster. Will your grandchildren thank you as they shiver for the 600 bucks you have saved.

Of course they will. I installed it in anticipation of global cooling. They will be able to run the RC air conditioner at optimal heating while playing on their X-Boxes and all at no cost, while the other kids scour the neighbourhood in the freezing cold for any material that can be used in their open fires, as electricity or gas for heating will be beyond the means of most families.
The ravages of manmade Global Cooling were palpable in Townsville last night.

A tropical Storm dumped 2 inches of rain on Casa Gumnut within one hour. It was accompanied by Thunder and what is more Lightning.

The temperature dropped 5 degrees in as many minutes.

I would have done computer modelling, but Mrs Gumnut pulled all the plugs out.

Where will it all end?

I see this whole solar roof system, being watered down. Its not sustainable on costs alone. Forget what it was originally intended to achieve.

In the future I believe you will be allowed to use the power generated, "free" and the bit you pump into the grid will be either equal in price or you may make a cent or two/kilowatt hour.

I see this whole solar roof system, being watered down. Its not sustainable on costs alone. Forget what it was originally intended to achieve.
What it was intended to achieve was political. In terms of public money wasted, it's pink bats on steroids.

From the linked article above,

The Productivity Commission has warned solar PV is a very expensive technology, which has cost up to $1043 in subsidies for every tonne of CO2 that is abated and could hold back deeper cuts to emissions. This contrasts with the $23-a-tonne starting price for Labor's carbon tax.

No attempt from Federal Labor and their Greens and inependent allies to deal with this as part of their carbon tax deception, just this sad gesture afterwards.

The NSW Government has allready tried to retrospectively reduce their feed in tariff on existing contracts but gave up while WA has cut the 40c feed in tariff off at the knees due to the rapid subcsription. That has failed to save the WA government from a serious budget blowout from the scheme.

With a laptop hooked up to the inverter, I can get data out of it at 4-second intervals. I'm thinking of adding more panels, as I can do this and still retain access to the feed in tariff.
My basic objection to solar panels is that the technology steals energy from the sun.

This goes in to electricity in a very inefficient manner.

The sun warms the earth.

Stealing its rays will lead to global cooling, as is happening at the moment.

The same applies to wind energy.

It also creates very big Microsoft Access spreadsheets if inverter data is set to log data every 10 seconds. :D

thanks doc,

And then the spreadsheets get printed out every 30 minutes and our beautiful native forests get mown down to provide the paper, all in the name of a Green agenda.

A neighbour and I have bananas growing.

He has solar panels on his roof, and his bananas look quite sick.

I am sure that he gets less net energy in his yard than I do, mine look great.

It must be a dreadfully inefficient way of capturing and storing energy.

No wonder the world is cooling and we are getting such rain in Townsville this week.

If it's recycled, it makes all the difference of course.

My mate had to cut his banana tree down this evening.

He needs to get rid of his solar panels, they suck the warmth from the sun.

We will be in for a cold winter with all the Green/ALP insistence on solar panels. And the the wind generators will play havoc with the pollen and the birds and bees.

Where will it all end.
