Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Propex Assessment

7 August 2008
Hi, has anyone ever sat or know anything about the Propex assesment? What saort of questions they ask etc?

Maths, markets, and logic tests. Standard-ish interviews later which is basically your chance to shine.
What type of maths, ie basic multiplication, subtraction, division etc. Also any more info on the markets questions?
Logic is very easy and you get 3 mins, maths q's are a mix of +,-,*,/ and are all fairly easy, you get 3 mins for 20 q's, if your good you'd probably finish 15-16, financial markets questions are easy if you know your stuff, 6 mins but the time limit isnt a problem with these
Do they still accept new applications now? i think assessment was 1- 2 weeks ago and now it's in the interviews process.
its serious. Which means that if you are not prepared to devote the next few years of your life trading, then its not for you.
Yeh, most traders are pretty young White, though age doesn't really make a difference, only that you can afford to spend the time being paid biscuits, to try and crack it and learn to be a trader as a career.

Most of the older traders seem to be guys who were doing it since a younger age.
hmm would have loved to applied for a company like that... i guess ill have to enjoy trading from home. How do you find it working there MRC?
Yeh, it's a good company, great people.

Send a resume in for the trainee program, next intake is in Feb I believe. Though, think it is preferable your degree is finished and will have to do testing, interviews etc.
Yeh, it's a good company, great people.

Send a resume in for the trainee program, next intake is in Feb I believe. Though, think it is preferable your degree is finished and will have to do testing, interviews etc.

hmm well ive got a year to go at uni and my economics degree is property not finance related... and i got a cadet role with another year to go... i take it they totally ignore or prefer no prior trading experience?
MRC & Co,

if i'm graduating in June 09 should i bother applying in Feb? i'll only be taking 2 subjects through the semester so i could work part time :D

Also, how indepth does your trading knowledge need to be?
I am very interested in it, and do a fair bit of my own research but am i going to need to know about all that lovely probability stuff like Markov chains etc?
I'm completing a Commerce/Finance degree, but not alot of that stuff is relevant to trading
Largeese, not sure. Just email them and ask anyways, no harm in trying, but I doubt it. Prob need to do it full-time. As for the knowledge, you will need to do a test as stated at the top of the thread and interviews. Don't need to be a walking trading textbook or anything like that. Just show your passion if you make interviews and don't start woffling on about EW or any kind of crystal ball. It's all scalping futs, so some basic price levels, order book, support/resistance, trendlines, volume are probably the most important.

White, previous trading experience is a benefit.

Sorry, can't help much more, I'm only a newb myself.
Largeese, not sure. Just email them and ask anyways, no harm in trying, but I doubt it. Prob need to do it full-time. As for the knowledge, you will need to do a test as stated at the top of the thread and interviews. Don't need to be a walking trading textbook or anything like that. Just show your passion if you make interviews and don't start woffling on about EW or any kind of crystal ball. It's all scalping futs, so some basic price levels, order book, support/resistance, trendlines, volume are probably the most important.

White, previous trading experience is a benefit.

Sorry, can't help much more, I'm only a newb myself.

ill ask you some more questions when i get round to finishing my course, good luck :)
MRC did you apply for trading desks at any of the banks?

would you say propex (tibra etc) scrutinize academic results as much as the banks do?

if not, how important were they on a scale of 1 to 10.

reason i ask is because i just walked out of my corporate finance exam, and i now want to kill myself...
Sorry man, I don't have a clue what they look for exactly.

Oh, didn't apply for trading desks at any bank either. Rather create my own style than make a market.