Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum


Garpal Gumnut

Ross Island Hotel
2 January 2006
Tim Mathieson the partner of the Prime Minister has advised the nation to: According to the SMH.

Here's what Tim Mathieson said, while urging the men in the audience to take care of their health and to have their prostates checked: ''We can get a blood test for it, but the digital examination is the only true way to get a correct reading on your prostate, so make sure you go and do that, and perhaps look for a small female Asian doctor is probably the best way.''

Read more:

Does the Prime Minister intend to redistribute "small female Asian doctors" all around Australia to cater for the needs of men concerned about their prostate?

Is this another example of the bush being disadvantaged over the inner city basket weavers, in whose suburbs they can access more of Tim's examples?

It is unfair to men to terrify them in such a way, and also unfair to small female Asian doctors, to be confined to this examination. They may lose other skills in other areas, if all their day is given over to this.

This is misogyfingerism, of the worst kind, and an apology in parliament is warranted from the Prime Minister.

Tim got off lightly.

If Abbott made that comment the handbag hit squad would have painted him as all of the following,

Misogynist (Female doctor)
Racist (Asian doctor)
Homophobic (No male fingers in my @rse)
Religious zealot (again homosexuality)
Tim got off lightly.

If Abbott made that comment the handbag hit squad would have painted him as all of the following,

Misogynist (Female doctor)
Racist (Asian doctor)
Homophobic (No male fingers in my @rse)
Religious zealot (again homosexuality)

He's not off yet, his actions reflect on Gillard as well.
No it's deadly serious, ever been to Bangkok ?

I had mine checked by a pathology laboratory. The only involvement by my Doctor was a referral.
He is not Asian, nor small, nor female!

And he is local, so I save on airfare!! :p:
I had mine checked by a pathology laboratory. The only involvement by my Doctor was a referral.
He is not Asian, nor small, nor female!

And he is local, so I save on airfare!! :p:

The whole laboratory?

There must of been a myriad of male and female fingers, of all colours and creeds? :confused:

Did they at least have the decency to do this indivdually, and in private rather than in a group setting?

Tim got off lightly.

If Abbott made that comment the handbag hit squad would have painted him as all of the following,

Misogynist (Female doctor)
Racist (Asian doctor)
Homophobic (No male fingers in my @rse)
Religious zealot (again homosexuality)

So very true.

Roxon would have been on to it.

Is this a joke?

IMHO It's beyond a joke.
We have -
  • the flood disasters
  • bushfire disasters
  • NBN backlog
  • tax rort
  • gun and knife fights on our streets
  • a drug scene out of control
  • riots in detention centres
  • boatloads of illegals arriving daily
... and the Press can't find anything better to fill newspapers and TV news with than a tasteless gaffe from the First Bogan. :banghead: