Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

ASF Poetry Thread

Here's a poem about an old house painter named John. I met him when he advertised to sell his manual car - turned out he needed to get an automatic - because one shoulder had cancer. Then, lol rather than take things easy, he fitted this new car with power steering, - and helped us with any problems we had with his old car as well :). The fact that the car he sold us was a bit of a lemon (through bad luck as much as anything) is irrelevant - we got to meet John ;)
(PS he particularly didnt like the new style petrol pumps becos you couldnt buy just a few components to repair them ;) that old car was held together with wire and hundreds of home made bits he'd invented lol)


I first met Old John on a downhill slope, Though you’d barely know it to meet him,
A painter, enthused and brimming with hope, And a wonderful grin in his greeting,
And he sold me a car, well an old bomb at least , Though to him was like a blood brother,
And we chatted like guests at a wedding feast, As ones overcome by a youthful yeast, And each nut and each bolt in the rusty old beast
Triggered stories of this or the other.

And I bargained him down a few bucks on his price, Nine fifty ($950) the deal was set,
I didn’t exploit him, the man was too nice, But the petrol gauge said “barely wet!”
It was one of those cars where the value ranged, In phase with the gas level reading,
But I sensed it then that my life would be changed, Priorities questioned and rearranged, And my newfound friend would soon be estranged,
And his time was rapid receding.

He used to spar with a punching ball, Yet he had the kindest laugh
Till his shoulder refused to heed the call , And hung like a thin bag of charf
And he’d made a bench of wood in the shed, Where his tradesman skills were vented,
And a vegie patch with a broadbean bed, And the spare parts strewn where the brakes were bled, And you’d watch your step and you’d watch your head
Or you’d likely get em dented.

The reason he’d sold me his ‘Maggie’, his mate, Was an upgrade to automatic,
Cos his shoulder was just a bit lame of late, And his gearstick skills quite erratic,
“This is Sally” he said “my NEW Sigma wagon, And the twin except for the gears,
But she’s not up to Maggie, her chin keeps sagging, It could be the carby I carved from a flagon - , And here’s some spare parts all wrapped in raggin
- And the parting, it brings me to tears.”

Well the first week home the Welshplug blew, And the head cracked something cronic,
And the oil turned into a milky stew, And it coughed with a plague bubonic,
And Old John came round and helped us to strip, The motor – each element parted,
“That’s the crankshaft boys, where the horses grip, Ahh listen – the music as oildrops drip, And watch that that old timing gear doesn’t slip
Or we’ll never get her restarted.

Then a month went past and the gearstick broke -Came out like a magic wand,
If you hadn’t met John you’d suspect a sick joke, And you’d start to think you’d been conned,
But I ran into John in the hardware shop, And he said, ‘Wow! Let’s go look!
Cos I bet it’s the blue nut stripped and gone pop, By the way those beans are a fine fine crop, Any walls to paint? Any trees to lop?”
- But he knew that car like a book.

He was right of course and we fixed it up , Right there on our kerbside lawn,
Just a hint of remorse that he’d sold his pup, But no hint for himself to mourn,
And his shoulder now needed power steering, And he’d worked it out and he’d fitted it,
And I found it so blessedly warm and endearing, That his attitude grew from courage not fearing, And despite the bell of his sixth (6th) round nearing,
He’d tackled the task and outgritted it.

Then a month (last week) a call from his brother, And sadly he had to relate,
That Old John passed away and from what I can gather, He’d known of his imminent fate,
Yet each time I met him his eyes just glowed, With a grin and a “How are the boys?
Would you like the house painted? or furrow hoed? Or a horse to be broken ? or front lawn mowed? And How’s old Maggie sharing the load?
- She was one of my favourite toys.”

I can see him in overalls – patches sewed, With all of his gentle poise,
Just the kindest man – and how much it showed, And painting the gates of his new abode, And cracking some winged chariot’s code,
And adjusting its tappet noise.
Another lady who has made a real go of life , (and who also incidentally sang "No Regrets" with tons of soul), probably the sexiest thing to come out of Wales since Jonah lol, and also had a gr8 sens of humour (see last song) :-
Bassey was born in Tiger Bay, Cardiff to a Nigerian father who was a seaman, while her mother came from Yorkshire, Northern England. She grew up in the notorious working-class district of Tiger Bay, Cardiff, as the youngest of seven children. Her father left when she was two years old.

Bassey first found employment packing in a local factory when she left school at the age of fifteen. She enjoyed singing while she packed enamel pots, and to supplement her wage she sang in local pubs and clubs. In 1953, she signed up for the revue Memories of Jolson, a musical based on the life of Al Jolson. She next took up a professional engagement in Hot From Harlem, which ran until 1954.

By this time Bassey had become sick of show business, and had become pregnant at 16 years old with her daughter Sharon, so she went back to waitressing in Cardiff. However, in 1955, a chance recommendation of her to Michael Sullivan, a Streatham-born booking agent, put her firmly on course for her destined career. He saw talent in Bassey, and decided he would make her a star. She toured various theatres until she got an offer of the show that put her firmly on the road to stardom, Al Read's Such Is Life. While she starred in this show, Philips A&R and record producer Johnny Franz spotted her on television, became impressed, and offered her a record deal.

Bassey recorded her first single, entitled "Burn My Candle", and Philips released it in February 1956, when Bassey was just nineteen. Owing to the suggestive lyrics, the BBC banned it, but it sold well nonetheless

Can't understand that !! See if you can see what's suggestive about it ?? :- ;)
Shirley Bassey

Who's got a match for a strikin', Don't say it all depends
Who wants to help me burn my candle, at both ends

Who's got a light he's hidin', under a bush or fence
Who wants to help me burn my candle, at both ends

It's possible, it may not last a night
While it burns, what a wonderful light

Who'd like to play with fire , After they make ammends
Who wants to help me burn my candle, at both ends

Who doesn't mind a reaper, after he's sewn wild oats
Who wants to take a chance and help me, burn my boats

Who's not a look, then leaper , Wanting a warning note
Who wants to take a chance and help me, burn my boats

There's 'S' for Scotch, that's so direct , And for straight and simple sex
"I" for invitation to, a close relationship with you
"N" for nothing bad nor less, "S-I-N", that's sin, I guess

Who's got a good ignition, Waiting for dividends
Who wants to help me burn my candle, at both ends

It may not last, but it's all in the game, my friend
And while it burns, what a fabulous flame

Who has an inhibition, Who has a notch, that's on the handle
Open my door, and spun the scandal
Who wants to help me burn my candle, at both ends!
She says...
"Nobody's doing what I do. And the voice, sometimes it even takes me by surprise. I think, "God, where does it come from?" Nobody in my family sings, nobody from my mother's side. We don't know about my father's side. There was probably some ancestor out there chanting for rain with this powerful voice centuries ago."
We say...
Goldfingaaaah! All hail the diva - Dame Shirley from Tiger Bay
History Repeating's success was consolidated in 2000 when EMI released Diamonds Are Forever - The Remix Album, which saw some of her biggest hits reworked by artists including Groove Armada, Nightmares On Wax and Mantronix. Apparently, the Queen was a big fan of the album - so much so that the very same year she decided to make Shirley a Dame.

A mother and grandmother with a self-confessed love of glamour, Dame Shirley still returns to Wales for occasional performances - she topped the bill at the opening of the Welsh Assembly in 1999, and performed the anthem World In Union with Bryn Terfel for the Rugby World Cup in 2000. It's a pretty safe bet that Wales - and the world - has yet to hear the last of that voice.

If there's a wrong way say it, and a right way to play it. Nobody does it like me!
If there's a wrong way to do it, A right way to screw it up! Ha! Nobdody does it like me!
I've got a big loud mouth, I'm always talking much to free.
If you go for tact and manners, better stay away from me!
If there's a wrong way to keep it cool, a right way to be a fool, Nobody does it like me!

I hear a love song or ballad, I toss like a salad. Nobody tosses like me!
And when my evenings get tougher, I just take two buffein' And drink a hot cup of tea!
Last night I met an old aquaintence, at a fancy corner pub,
He said 'come on let's have some supper,' then he used my credit-club!
If there's a wrong way take a guy , the worst way to make a guy! Nobody does it like me!

If there's a wrong bell I ring it. A wrong note I sing it! Nobody does it like me!
If there's a problem I duck it. I don't solve it I just muck it up! Nobody does it like me!
And so I try to be a lady, I'm no lady I'm a fraud! And when I talk like I'm a lady, What I sound like is a broad!
If there's a wrong way to get a guy, the right way to lose a guy! Nobody does it like me!

Nobody does it NO! Nobody does it, Nobody does it like me.

What a great Dame she is !!

Heaps of other brilliant songs of course :- (I who have nothing, Send in the clowns, The first time ever I saw your face etc etc) - she ignores racial slurs and bigotry in Wales and USA
There was that quote by a prime minister initialls MF that "life wasn't meant to be easy" - subsequently comedians have added "cheesy, breezy, sneezy etc"

I think I heard Fraser correctly once when he explained it was something from a quote attributed to Methuselah (Bible? play?) where he is talking to a young boy, and he adds "But son, it can be MAGNIFICENT!"

Like finding the punchline to a joke many years later. I guess when you're 969 yrs old like Methuselah, you'd hava few memories - even if your short term memory was bound to be a bit dodgy ;) :2twocents

PS wonder what he died of? - cigarettes finally caught up with him? - maybe a punchup with a Palestinian? - maybe trying position 347 one night?
2020hindsight said:
PS wonder what he died of? - cigarettes finally caught up with him? - maybe a punchup with a Palestinian? - maybe trying position 347 one night?
Or maybe position 969 with his wife and his sister-in-law ?
You know, you shouldn't push your luck on these astrologically significant milestones!!
Make a mental note people !!! - take it easy on your 969th birthday !!! - check Genesis for the gaudy details !!

ahh to hell with making it rhyme ;) - its happy hour!
Scotsman have a nack for the romantic :- Robert Louis Stevenson' s Tomb in the hills above Apia, Samoa has the following Epitaph:- such a romantic place , such a great island, in the middle of such a great ocean as the Pacific ;) - lol and about as far away from "the rest of civilisation" as you could get - I was lucky enough to spend a few years there- scuba, hanggliding, sailing - really tough life;).

"Under a wide and starry sky
dig my grave and let me lie,
glad did I live and gladly die
and I lay me down with a will

Here be the words you grave for me
"Here he lies where he longed to be
Home is the sailor, home from the sea
and the hunter home from the hill."

THEN AGAIN lol - Here's one of Robbie Burn's poems ;) PS Why is it that the Scots seem to make "a Haggis" sound like .. well... a Tasmanian Devil at least lol. (PS this is pretty offal poetry - unless you're into haggis that is ;))

TO A HAGGIS (Robbie Burns)

Fair fa' (*portion) your honest, sonsie (pleasant) face,
Great chieftain o' the pudding-race!
Aboon (above) them a' (all) yet tak your place,
Painch, tripe, or thairm:
Weel (well) are ye wordy (worthy) o'a grace
As lang's my arm.

The groaning trencher there ye fill,
Your hurdies (loins) like a distant hill,
Your pin was help to mend a mill
In time o'need,
While thro' your pores the dews distil
Like amber bead.

His knife see rustic Labour dight,
An' cut you up wi' ready sleight,
Trenching your gushing entrails bright,
Like ony ditch;
And then, O what a glorious sight,
Warm-reekin', rich!

Then, horn (spoon) for horn, they stretch an' strive:
Deil tak (devil take) the hindmost! on they drive,
Till a' their weel-swall'd kytes (bellies)belyve (subsequently)
Are bent like drums;
Then auld Guidman, maist (most) like to rive,
Bethankit! hums.

Is there that owre his French ragout
Or olio that wad staw (sicken) a sow,
Or fricassee wad make her spew
Wi' perfect sconner,
Looks down wi' sneering, scornfu' view
On sic (such) a dinner?

Poor devil! see him owre (over) his trash,
As feckles as wither'd rash,
His spindle shank, a guid whip-lash;
His nieve a nit;
Thro' blody flood or (before) field to dash,
O how unfit!

But mark the Rustic, haggis-fed,
The trembling earth resounds his tread.
Clap (as in , the clapper in a mill) in his walie (ample) nieve (fist) a blade,
He'll mak it whissle;
An' legs an' arms, an' hands will sned,
Like taps o' trissle.

Ye Pow'rs, wha mak mankind your care,
And dish them out their bill o' fare,
Auld Scotland wants nae skinking (watery) ware
That jaups in luggies;
But, if ye wish her gratefu' prayer
Gie (give) her a haggis!
Such a great poem this one ;) - sorry folks, been attacking the home brew again lol. - only a truly "soft" heart could empathise with a mouse lol.

"That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble, Has cost thee mony a weary nibble! "

"Still thou art blest, compar'd wi' me, The present only toucheth thee:
But, Och! I backward cast my e'e. On prospects drear!
An' forward, tho' I canna see, I guess an' fear!"

Man's both a gentleman - and a genius ;)

To A Mouse, On Turning Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough, 1785

Wee, sleekit, cow'rin, tim'rous beastie, O, what a panic's in thy breastie!
Thou need na start awa sae hasty, Wi' bickering brattle!
I wad be laith to rin an' chase thee, Wi' murd'ring pattle!

I'm truly sorry man's dominion, Has broken nature's social union,
An' justifies that ill opinion, Which makes thee startle
At me, thy poor, earth-born companion, An' fellow-mortal!

I doubt na, whiles, but thou may thieve; What then? poor beastie, thou maun live!
A daimen icker in a thrave 'S a sma' request;
I'll get a blessin wi' the lave, An' never miss't!

Thy wee bit housie, too, in ruin! It's silly wa's the win's are strewin!
An' naething, now, to big a new ane, O' foggage green!
An' bleak December's winds ensuin, Baith snell an' keen!

Thou saw the fields laid bare an' waste, An' weary winter comin fast,
An' cozie here, beneath the blast, Thou thought to dwell-
Till crash! the cruel coulter past, Out thro' thy cell.

That wee bit heap o' leaves an' stibble, Has cost thee mony a weary nibble!
Now thou's turn'd out, for a' thy trouble, But house or hald,
To thole the winter's sleety dribble, An' cranreuch cauld!

But, Mousie, thou art no thy lane, In proving foresight may be vain;
The best-laid schemes o' mice an 'men, Gang aft agley,
An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, For promis'd joy!

Still thou art blest, compar'd wi' me, The present only toucheth thee:
But, Och! I backward cast my e'e. On prospects drear!
An' forward, tho' I canna see, I guess an' fear!

PS go to that website - you get a translation for the scottish stuff ;)
eg bickring brattle = hurrying run
murdring pattle = murdering spade, etcetc :)
laith = loath repugnant
Then for a light hearted note :-

ERIC The Half A Bee Lyrics
Monty Python

A one... two-- A one... two... three... four...
Half a bee, philosophically, Must, ipso facto, half not be.
But half the bee has got to be , Vis a vis, its entity. D'you see?

But can a bee be said to be, Or not to be an entire bee
When half the bee is not a bee, Due to some ancient injury?

La dee dee, one two three, Eric the half a bee.
A B C D E F G, Eric the half a bee.

Is this wretched demi-bee, Half-asleep upon my knee,
Some freak from a menagerie? No! It's Eric the half a bee!

Fiddle de dum, Fiddle de dee, Eric the half a bee.
Ho ho ho, tee hee hee, Eric the half a bee.

I love this hive, employee-ee, Bisected accidentally,
One summer afternoon by me, I love him carnally.

He loves him carnally, Semi-carnally.
The end.

Cyril Connelly? No; semi-carnally!
Cyril Connelly. [whistling]

BRUCES' Philosophers Song
Monty Python

Immanuel Kant was a real pissant, Who was very rarely stable
Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar, Who could think you under the table

David Hume could out-consume, Wilhelm Freidrich Hegel
And Wittgenstein was a beery swine, Who was just as schloshed as Schlegel

There's nothing Nietzche couldn't teach ya, 'Bout the raising of the wrist
Socrates, himself, was permanently pissed

John Stuart Mill, of his own free will, On half a pint of shandy was particularly ill
Plato, they say, could stick it away, Half a crate of whiskey every day

Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle, Hobbes was fond of his dram
And René Descartes was a drunken fart, I drink, therefore I am

Yes, Socrates, himself, is particularly missed, A lovely little thinker
But a bugger when he's pissed
lets not go there lol. - DYOR lol.

LUMBERJACK Lyrics - Monty Python

I never wanted to do this job in the first place! I... I wanted to be...
(piano vamp)

Leaping from tree to tree! As they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia! With my best girl by my side!
The Larch! The Pine! The Giant Redwood tree! The Sequoia! The Little Whopping Rule Tree! We'd sing! Sing! Sing!

Ooohhhhhhh, :)..............I'm a lumberjack, and I'm okay, I sleep all night and I work all day.

CHORUS: He's a lumberjack, and he's okay, He sleeps all night and he works all day.

I cut down trees, I eat my lunch, I go to the lava-try.
On Wednesdays I go shoppin' And have buttered scones for tea.

Mounties: He cuts down trees, he eats his lunch, He goes to the lava-try.
On Wednesdays 'e goes shoppin' , And has buttered scones for tea.

I cut down trees, I skip and jump, I like to press wild flowers.
I put on women's clothing, And hang around in bars.

Mounties: He cuts down trees, he skips and jumps, He likes to press wild flowers.
He puts on women's clothing , And hangs around.... In bars???????

I chop down trees, I wear high heels, Suspendies and a bra.
I wish I'd been a girlie, Just like my dear papa.

Mounties: He cuts down trees, he wears high heels
Suspendies?? and a .... a Bra???? (spoken, raggedly) What's this? Wants to be a *girlie*? Oh, My!
And I thought you were so rugged! Poofter!

All: He's a lumberjack, and he's okaaaaaaayyy..... (BONG)
Sound Cue: The Liberty Bell March, by John Phillip Sousa.

==========================================================Dear Sir,
I wish to complain on the stronglyest possible terms about the previous
entry in this file about the lumberjack who wears womens' clothes. Some of
my best friends are lumberjacks, and only a FEW of them are transvestites.
Yours faithfully,
Brigadier Sir Charles Arthur Strong, Mrs.
P.S. I have never kissed the editor of the radio times.

bludy idiots lol. - No-one should get away with this irreverance !!! Furthermore, all lumberjacks should wear veils from now on !!! lol
Lol - It's so hard to restrict oneself to just a few of these - please DYOR lol.

Beethoven's gone, but his music lives on, And Mozart don't go shopping no more.
You'll never meet Liszt or Brahms again, And Elgar doesn't answer the door.
Schubert and Chopin used to chuckle and laugh, Whilst composing a long symphony,
But one hundred and fifty years later, There's very little of them left to see.

They're decomposing composers. There's nothing much anyone can do.
You can still hear Beethoven, But Beethoven cannot hear you.

Handel and Haydn and Rachmaninov, Enjoyed a nice drink with their meal,
But nowadays, no one will serve them, And their gravy is left to congeal.
Verdi and Wagner delighted the crowds, With their highly original sound.
The pianos they played are still working, But they're both six feet underground.

They're decomposing composers. There's less of them every year.
You can say what you like to Debussy, But there's not much of him left to hear.

Claude Achille Debussy-- Died, 1918.
Christophe Willebald Gluck-- Died, 1787.
Carl Maria von Weber-- Not at all well, 1825. Died, 1826.
Giacomo Meyerbeer-- Still alive, 1863. Not still alive, 1864.
Modeste Mussorgsky-- 1880, going to parties. No fun anymore, 1881.
Johan Nepomuk Hummel-- Chatting away nineteen to the dozen with his mates down the pub every evening, 1836. 1837, nothing.

sorry - lol - i'M rofl LITERALLY lol.. funny funny dudes. - adios amigos
This one concerns the predicament of "a reluctant and rather grumpy optimist"...based on a bloke I know down the road lol


Why is the grass so God-damned green, since I decided to smile,
Pain in the ass that it grows so keen, and all on account of my dial,
Kick the damned dog, and stone the damned crows, I’m so sick of starting that mower,
Maybe I’ll frown and sort out the bastard, and then it’ll grow a bit slower.

Why is the sky so God-damned blue, since I decided to laugh
Bloody hot sun, and mowing too, it’s enough to make you barf,
Dog in the way – I could’ve kicked her – making mountains of charf,
Next person gets in the way of my Victa, I’ll cut the bastard in half.

I wanna know why the sun in the morning has got this God-damned hue,
I wanna know why the world without warning can wake to a dream come true
Tell me each day why my God-damned re-borning gets christened with God-damned dew,
Christ it gets tiresome each perfect dawning, It’s enough to make you spew.

I'm a compulsive collector, hoard every chance that I get,
I've got garages and attics just brimming with things that "that I'll get to use yet"
My wife and I have a wager (I got to choose what was bet)
If I can use but just one of those items - she buys me an old concord jet.

I'm a compulsive corrector, stick in my beak for a dime,
When people tell me a poem or a joke, I join in the punchline - or mime,
People have asked me to P off, go find some mountain to climb,
But I just accept it a gesture of fun, and tell 'em their gestures should rhyme.

I'm a compulsive door-locker, windows spring-loaded with mace,
Step on my doormat, a beartrap slams shut and a boxing glove smashes your face,
Someone complained to the courthouse - "Twenty days slammer Your Grace?", well
Now I've a sign on the jailbars exclaiming "KEEP OUT !! 'cos this is MY place".

I am compulsively friendly, say "hello" more than is wise,
(Henry the eighth had a little in common but he preferred headless goodbyes).
I like proposals on first dates, caught one last week by surprise,
Then she explained we were already married - so THAT's where I'd seen those blue eyes.
(There before me - when I put on my specs, was the love of all my nine lives).

I'm a compulsive backgammoner, chasing small stones round a board,
Also I like to re-read all the classics like Milton and my gran'ma Maude,
TV then features in our house, footy show here is adored,
So Heaven for me is to read while I backgammon, hearing my footy team's scored.

I find compulsions are good things, let's me fill in idle hours,
Whether it's running around in the nud, or climbing up transmission towers,
No doubt there'll be a big setback, when Buddha turns off my life-powers,
Finally succumbed - there I'll lie at my rest - compulsively pushing up flowers.

there’s an Old tree that stands in the gardens botanic
a Gift from some generous tree-god organic
‘twas Standing there long before steamships Titanic
- or tallships – or Cook, or Endeavour.
- and Long before white men so clever.

now Outwardly dead as a dodo on dope
or a Doorbell whose donger has lost its short rope
and the Average spectator would rule out all hope
- and Cut it up blocksize - and toss’em
- those Stark limbs, so long without blossom.

now the Arbor - technicians consider it’s plight
(but they Don’t think like trees – they can only think “white”)
“it’s Chainsaws at dawn – though it fought a good fight …
- and sadly it’s timely to sever”
- A new voice warned….. “Never say never!!”.

“Touch not one stick!!” boomed the new voice aloud !
(they Looked around quick – ‘twas a Tree-god with shroud!)
“It’s one of the last of a clump that once towered
- Now ashes to fungus I fear
- but This one still lives!” – (…….and they sneer).

then the Spirit he pointed- a hollow branch high ,
to a Bee hive that buzzed in that bright autumn sky
and he Smiled with the mirth of a man bout to cry
- you could Hear the small bees give a cheer!.
- (as if some had been boozing on beer.)

and That’s what they did, ;) the white arboritsts choice -
whether Real or imagined they heard the tree’s voice
and alThough the tree’s dead – you can still hear the noise
- of those brave little wings on the breeze
- to the blossoms of neighbouring trees. 

i still Go to the park – sometimes wander on by
and Yesterday heard that old ghost in the sky
“where the Bees from my tree suck, there also suck I
- much as Life can live on in our son
- and our friends and ourselves are as one.”

and So too a man can live on past his prime
(to the Point where he’s out of his tree half the time)
ride these circles of Life (and to hell with the rhyme)
- like this circle we call planet earth
There were trees watching on (but no sign of a dime) ;)
- giving shade at - that Adam boy’s - birth.

PS The notice at the base of the tree points out that this is a VERY SPECIAL TREE - one of the oldes t on the site - kept because of bees, possums etc.
The aboriginals used to call the gums the "supermarket tree" (lol - didnt know there were supermarkets back then ;) ) - because they were used for canoes bark for wrapping, animals honey for drinking etcetc - to say nothing of warclubs ;)


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PS The notice at the base of the tree points out that this is a VERY SPECIAL TREE - one of the oldes t on the site - kept because of bees, possums etc.
The aboriginals used to call the gums the "supermarket tree" (lol - didnt know there were supermarkets back then ;) ) - because they were used for canoes bark for wrapping, animals honey for drinking etcetc - to say nothing of warclubs ;) - This is near the Henry Lawson Gate in the Sydney Botanic Gardens.

Sorry if this borers you ;) I took the kids down there once when the bamboo flowered (several year back now) - only happens once every 100 years, I said !!! you'll LOVE it I said !!! - they were dead bored ;) - they've never trusted my opinion of "this you've GOTTA see!!" ever since lol.
PS I think I clawed back a few browny points on the day in question by getting them a Cheeseburger at the bludy Golden Arches restaurant - sheesh, kids!!

Here's a PS to the previous poem.- an alternative ending - from an earlier draft ;).

“this here Tree – we would call it a “market place tree”
you may Call it a “red gum” – I guess we’ll agree
cos we “re(a)d” it each day for the honey of bee
- and Canoes and for possums and grubs
- and for Shade, and for hunting men’s clubs.

and we Used it for woomeras! - spears like a gun!
at Roos that went jumping where Pitt and George run
and Birds that would nest - and that was such fun
- cos we Knew that our god was in health
- and we Loved our black lives and our wealth.

that Tree, said the black, is the last to still stand
by this Small winding track on this small block of land
and the Mountains of history’s hourglass sand
- since that Day ….that a ship sailed past
- and it meant that we’d ”honeyed” our last.


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Thanks to WayneL for posting this on the music thread - I'm just adding the words - only a few songs have lyrics that stand up to close , distant, or any scrutiny whatsoever, but these are gr8.

Alison Krauss

It’s amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word you can light up the dark
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don’t say a thing

The smile on your face lets me know that you need me
There’s a truth in your eyes sayin’ you’ll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you’ll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd
Old mr. webster could never define
What’s being said between your heart and mine
Gee whiz this Utube website is good.!! (and gettin better daily) ;)
(I have this problem - maybe everyone does, but I only know a small percentage of the words of even my FAVOURITE songs) - half the time I have no bludy idea what they're saying - even after 125 playings of the song.
AT LAST between Google and Utube - the problem can be solved ;)

- and as Bindi Irwin said after her dad's service - I was even allowed to move my finger across the words on the page. - what a gr8 kid
Lol here's a 6 year old - impersonating a man - impersonating a madman ;)

May I set the stage? I shall impersonate a man.
Come, enter into my imagination and see him!
His name... Alonso Quijana... a country squire,
no longer young... bony, hollow-faced... eyes
that burn with the fire of inner vision. Being
retired, he has much time for books. He studies
them from morn to night and often through the
night as well. And all he reads oppresses him...
fills him with indignation at man's murderous
ways toward man. And he conceives the strangest
project ever imagined... to become a knight-errant
and sally forth into the world to right all
wrongs. No longer shall he be plain Alonso Quijana...
but a dauntless knight known as -
Don Quixote de La Mancha!

Hear me now Oh thou bleak and unbearable world,
Thou art base and debauched as can be;
And a knight with his banners all bravely unfurled
Now hurls down his gauntlet to thee!
I am I, Don Quixote, The Lord of La Mancha,
My destiny calls and I go,
And the wild winds of fortune Will carry me onward,
Oh whithersoever they blow.
Whithersoever they blow,
Onward to glory I go!

I'm Sancho! Yes, I'm Sancho!
I'll follow my master till the end.
I'll tell all the world proudly
I'm his squire! I'm his friend!

Hear me, heathens and wizards , And serpents of sin!
All your dastardly doings are past,
For a holy endeavor is now to begin , And virtue shall triumph at last!

(Don Quixote and Sancho Panza mount their horses and set out along a road)

am I, Don Quixote, The Lord of la Mancha,
My destiny calls and I go,
And the wild winds of fortune , Will carry me onward,
Oh whithersoever they blow!
Whithersoever they blow,
Onward to glory I {we} go!

For a laugh:) - here it is in Korean - Orchestral

(Hymne À L'Amour) (M. Monnot / E. Piaf / G. Parsons)

If the sun should tumble from the sky
If the sea should suddenly run dry
If you love me, really love me
Let it happen darling, I don't care

Shall I catch a shooting star
Shall I bring it where you are
If you want me to, I will.
You can set me any task
I'll do anything you ask
If you'll only love me still

When at last, our life on earth is through
I will spend eternity with you
If you love me, really love me
Let it happen darling, I won't care

Also "No Regrets"