Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Your Political Compass


'Abba Shboq Lhon'
9 July 2004
Lets find out where we are on the political compass at this site

It's a questionaire that spits out a graph of your political/economic leanings. I came out in the same position as The Dalai Lama

great chart wayne;) intrestin
the comparison of Mandela and Mugabe for starters.
BHB close together (Bush-Howard-Blair)
My mother in law's off the graph ( but I'm not brave enough to say which direction ;))
Fascinating, Wayne. Thanks.

I'm another one about the Dalai Lama range.
Thanks Wayne, Looks like I'm slightly left and low of centre. Interesting.
Our four family members did this about four months ago. We are all diagonally opposed to George Bush :D except we didnt need the test to tell us that :p: Phew, cant get better than that!

Our youngest son (17) was the most, er, radical being almost off the chart in the anarchism direction!

I just did it again and got the same result! So the test has test - retest validity
Economic Left/Right: -1.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.18
Im almost smack bang in the middle:D
But given a particular real life situation I could go either way on some of those questions. I also found that from pages 1-5 I had only a few strongly agree/disagree answers but on the last page (mainly on religion) I had answered all but one answer with strongly in front of it.
I'm in the left hand bottom corner but I don't think I am in real life.
I am more in the right hand top corner. I'm a fan of Maggie Thatcher!

This test is biased for US sensibilities/
Im off the chart too, but in the 3 dimensional plane somewhere between GOD and JESUS :D LOL
Lol, so suppose there was a z axis, what would it be do you reckon, Bwacull?

Religious through to Atheist? where you (and the Pope) obviously score well ;)

Assertive or Submissive? hence if you're submissive, it doesn't matter so much where you are left or right etc (except on election day)

Clear or Vague? Wishy one day Washy the next etc (easily swayed by any argument, press etc)

Closed or Open Minded? Flexible to changing circumstances. etc (different to Clear vs Vague IMO)

Anyone remember that old movie Twelve Angry Men ? (Henry Fonda, about jury duty - not so much politics as personalities I concede) :2twocents

PS Since you have such good contacts as JC etc - maybe you could ask him to do the test lol - where he is on the Left / Right axis ?

And equally fascinating would be where he is on the Authoritarian axis (IMO of course) :2twocents Anyone out there know these answers? depends whether you;re reading Matthew, Mark, Luke or John I guess. Gotta feel it was all about natural leadership.

Then again So was Hitler's rise to power. :(
There's another option for that z axis is "Leadership vs follower" ? then somehow a fourth axis "for good or evil" maybe ?
etc etc . (PS forget I spoke - this is getting too difficult - starting to look like a Picasso lol)
Very interesting wayne
My result was
Economic Left/Right: 0.25
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -0.72
which makes me pretty much dead centre.
Before anyone infers from that result that I have no strong economic or social opinions, please note I do have strong but contraditing opinions, hence the balance.
I'm in the left hand bottom corner but I don't think I am in real life.
I am more in the right hand top corner. I'm a fan of Maggie Thatcher!

This test is biased for US sensibilities/
I wouldn't think it too biased when European leaders such as Angela Merkel, Jose Maria Aznar, Jaques Chirac and Tony bLIAR are in the top right. Although these aren't in the old style socialistic mold of some past leaders, they are popularly categorized as socialists in the US. The countries they lead are certainly miles to the left of the US.

Perhaps they are closet fascists after all :2twocents

Meanwhile, I've been looking on Ebay for some orange robes. :)
I'm somewhere in the bottom right quadrant... but close to the center of the compass... Milton Friedman is the closest to me
I'm in the left hand bottom corner but I don't think I am in real life.
I am more in the right hand top corner. I'm a fan of Maggie Thatcher!

This test is biased for US sensibilities/

They say you are attracted to your opposite... Thatcher is on the other side of the compass... she's also drop dead ugly making you ______ (fill in blank)
you said you were lower right - making you pretty unique m8 -
I looked at the chart , and couldn't see anyone else there (right leaning anarchist I assumed to be a contradiction - apologies I havnt taken the time to do the test yet so don;t fully understand it ) figured you were taking the pi**, lol
so I said "down there with your mates"
implying the obvious , and likewise intended as a happy hour comment ;)
PS As far as Thatcher goes , she's not pretty , and she's not ugly, but I agree she's pretty ugly.