Australian (ASX) Stock Market Forum

Google Street View

14 February 2005
Can anyone tell me where to find and how to use this new "Google Street View"?

I've looked at and no mention of it there that I can see. Also I followed a link from another site and just ended up with maps that look like a street directory.:confused::confused:
you need flash plug-in, get it from when you search for an address a little box pop up and in that box there is a street view on it
cant get any simpler

It seems the detail varies area from area. By going to "Google Maps"
and following the directions for "Street View", I was able to get an almost perfect picture of my house and all the others in the street, from the road.
But following the same directions for my previous address, it just brought up the street map but no photographs.
I'm pleased they took the image of my house after it had rained and I'd mowed. My lawn looks great!

But for my house on the Gold Coast... the view is the six foot high fence!
Good for privacy! ;)

I see my nosy neighbour was out in his garden when they snapped... and they blurred him.

Better images than from Google Earth!

Good fun. But... would disreputable people check addresses with a hidden agenda?
Got it! Thanks. :)

All I could see before was the map but now it's working. I must do something about this internet connection though - 44k dialup makes this a tad slow... :D

Anyway, it looks like the photo of my house was taken sometime during November (possibly October) last year. The house was empty and for sale at that time and it's clealy for sale and looks empty in the picture. Also the sun was fairly high in the sky (judging by shadows) and it was a Monday - bin is out next door.
Good for stealing cars parked on street and breaking into houses that look like easy entry? That is the only thing I am really worried about.

Mine was taken approx 3 months ago, and I know the time of day, and which day it was.

This street view is amazing.

Imagine what it will be like in 5 years?:eek:
Holy Moly !!!! where has this gadget been all my life ...geez just spent the last 3 hours casin out everyones houses :D..... awesome stuff and highly addictive
Amazing site...just found a property I sold with a "for sale" sign on it...I guess the new owner has been reading the "House prices to fall for years" thread :rolleyes: :D
My house, well, street actually, isn't there! :banghead: The address shows up fine, but if I click on it, it will only give the photos for the road behind us, and if I use the house number for the people on the other side of our street, it comes up with the street behind them! :banghead: Surely we can't be the only missing street in Australia:mad: We are maybe 5kms from Adelaide CBD. Yet our shack on the Lower Murray is there!
My house, well, street actually, isn't there! :banghead: The address shows up fine, but if I click on it, it will only give the photos for the road behind us, and if I use the house number for the people on the other side of our street, it comes up with the street behind them! :banghead: Surely we can't be the only missing street in Australia:mad: We are maybe 5kms from Adelaide CBD. Yet our shack on the Lower Murray is there!

i found a few streets missing... one of my mates lives in a cul-de-sac, the google car obviously couldn't be bothered driving down there...

and there is also the area around the airport and west beach missing too... must be security related i assume.
Did anyone actually see the Google car as they drove past? Or get their photo taken?

What are some commercial applications for this tech?


i found a few streets missing... one of my mates lives in a cul-de-sac, the google car obviously couldn't be bothered driving down there...

and there is also the area around the airport and west beach missing too... must be security related i assume.

Well that's the thing Rafa, I live on a street that connects other suburbs to Greenhill Road, hardly a backwater and not a cul de sac.

Newport Quays is missing in full.